Friends, Associates, Girls who I love and you know whoyou are, and My Neezees, welcome to another edition!
1.Does Jay Z not have like a two-way pager or evencell phone to put a girls number in so he can "hollaat them when he gets off tour"?
2.Is BET going to have a Who Wants to be a V-Jaycontest soon, to replace you know who?
2A. Could 106 & Park be subject to"Gentrification"?...And you all know what I mean!
3.Where is Christina Aguliera?
4.Is it just me or have we still not seen DickCheyney?
5.Does George W look like he is suffering from"melanoma"
6.Do you think Dave Thomas was actually eating Wendy'shamburgers all these years or was he eating Raley'sand Krystals on the side?
7. Doesn't it seem like yesterday that a stamp costs25 cents?
8. Now that Univ of Miami has regained nationalprominence, does this mean a Two Live Crew Comback?
9. Are we, "FAMU", going to Really go to Miami andplay the Canes next year or are we going for the roadtrip?----You know how we Rattlers do!
10. Is Juanita Jordan fine or what fellas?
11. Where is Ricky Martin?
12. Is there some subliminal message regarding theMiller "HIGH" Life commercials?
13. For those of you who watched the Lord of theRings, was it just me or were Gandof and otherssmoking some serious weed?
14. Even more on weed......I know that smokingcigarettes can lead to weight loss. What I didn'tknow was that by getting caught with 250 pounds, onecould get caught with 125 pounds less of weed within aweek?
14A. I guess Nate "Newton" was applying a fundamentallaw of physics crafted by his cousin Issac...What goesup must eventually come down.
14B. Stunning results on the above eh? I feel asunday morning infomercial on BET coming, starring youguessed it FAMU's finest....Mr Nate Newton?
15. How did fabulous go from riding in an Escalade inhis first video, to straight riding the train in"Holla Back"?
16. How and why did Teen Summit get reduced from anacutal "summit" between a collection of teens to 3people just "kicking it on the set".
17. Speaking of the "Set", don't we all miss the"Set"!
18. Who's taller Jermaine Dupri, Ludacris, Ja Rule orFredo from Lord of the Rings?
19. Who needs to visit the dentist quickly? Lil Wayne or Fabulous?
20. Where in the "Hell" is Bin Laden? Maybe Hell isthe best place to look right now, ya think? Well Kids that is enough for today. Please stay tunedfor the year 2001 awards. Holla Back
Why are conservatives so eager to play fashion police?
*Explaining the Right** is a weekly series that looks at what the right
wing is currently obsessing over, how it influences politics—and why you
need to ...
2 hours ago