Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 08:56:44 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Kids! In the tradition that my beloved intelligent brothers have kept going, it is time for ThatDamnRicSimon to speak or in this edition ask questions to make you go hmmmmmmm? I know this one is a little lengthy, but I a making up for the last edition.
What in the hell is up with this Tank song. "Baby I deserve"......Yeah Tank deserves a domestic abuse charge and a two thousand dollar fine for that piece of artwork. I mean the balls it takes to write in a song, I deserve for you to be with other guys, since I put my hands around your neck and chased you down the street. What "BLACK" woman(and I am making a big assumption here) would need to be told you deserve better in this situation. Personally I think OJ, Jason Kidd, and our favorite whippin boy Lawrence Phillips (aka climb a dorm, grab your girl by the hair and drive her through a row of mailboxes)are the background singers.
What the hell is up with the Big Aristotle (aka Shaq) or what my man Fred G. Sanford would call the "BIG DUMMY" I mean I was cool with Cindy....I was cool with Aaliyah.....but VENUS! Come on now! Why Shaq, Why? Why not Nancy Davenport? I could go on for days on this one but, as Arstotle (the real philosopher) stated...."Nothing in Excess, Everything in Proportion"
Did Derek Fisher hit another three?
Doesn't Tyrone Lue, Laker guard(prounounced T-Ron)look like he should be on Pokemon? "His moma named him Ty-Rone, I am going to call him Ty-Rone"
Is it just me or does 106 & Park suk? First of all where in the hell is 106 & Park? Like that are is so live or something? Personally, I think they should film it at Park & Monroe (you FAMUans know where that is). Okay, for those of us who are wordly, we know it is Harlem, but what about those indivduals in the great city of FrostProof, Florida?
Isn't the Nike commercial, featuring some Rucker's B Ballers tight? For those who watch the commercial in its entirety, what in the hell is Sheryl Swoops doing?
Little Kim, please stop!
Halle was it worth the extra 500K to go topless in SwordFish?
Why is it that I see no booty in the bootylicious song?
Are you getting sick of BTV(Beyonce Television)?
Isn't Popeye's Chicken the greatest on rainy days?
How and why does Yassir Arafat have influence? Better yet who in the hell is he?
Tiger stop, just stop!
What is up with this move to abolish dodge ball? Supposedly, kids are picking on the little ones by lighting them up with the ball. This my friends is a sad day in America. I think Dodge ball should be as mandatory as Tornado drills in this day and age. Just think about, if you can dodge a speeding ball, then those skills can be applied to speeding bullets and we know this is absolutely necessary for school.
So I was reading "Playboy" the other day and I found this one page advertisement or lobby against reparations for blacks. I mean plain as day, this advertisement gave 10 reasons why blacks should not be compensated for slavery. Now I have my own opinions regarding the issue, but the fact of the matter is, it was so important to some people they had to pay for an ad in Playboy. I would go through all ten, but I will
give a few highlights...
1. why should immigrants have to pay for something they were not part of?
2. blacks have received they payment through wellfare and other subsidies.
3. there were over 3000 black slave owners, so why should america pay
4. if it weren't for white christians, then blacks would not be free in the first place.
Now this was in Playboy friends, not "Country Music
Today"....Think about it!
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
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1 hour ago
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