To all my readers,
Maybe I should have started on this male/female stuff a long time ago, because I've gotten more numbers of women wanting me to call them in the past 24 hours than I did in a whole semester of hitting the clubs. Of course, most of them are telling me to call so that they can curse me out, but hey it's a response. This is something else that I do not understand. I've been writing this column for like 2 ¼ years now.
I've brought you all insight into some of the lighter issues of our day:
1. The whole Shaq and Kobe drama, when I was out in "La La Land"
2. Babyface attempting to act on Soulfood (and I do mean attempting)
3. A rundown of Bobby Brown's and Mariah Carey's most embarrassing moments
More importantly I have dissected some of the most significant social and political issues of day:
1. Mississippi voting to keep the confederate flag
2. The Gary Condit saga
3. The debate over human cloning
4. The Palestinian and Israeli conflict
Yet, when I was discussing these serious, potent issues the response was minimal.
1. Talking about the DMCA and what it could do your 1st Amendment rights . . . no calls.
2. Conversing about Pat Buchanan's new book, which basically states that he wants an all white America with even white women back in the home and not out working . . . I got one or two responses.
3. Informing about the archaic views of a Mississippi reporter talking about closing down HBCUs . . . heck, I could count the replies in my inbox on one hand.
Yet, I drop one paragraph about relationships and all hell breaks lose. So you know what that tells me, I must be doing something right. Because you haven't really made it until the hate mail start rolling in. Before I put that piece on my personal life in the last issue, I sent it off to the person that I trust the most for her review. I told her that I am trying to be entertaining and not come off looking desperate. My intention was just to throw a humorous view on the world of dating. Since I refuse to put anyone else's life out there in my column, I use myself. That's it. No less, no more. Shoot, right now I'm broke; I can't afford to take myself out. Ninety percent of time I love being single, but sometimes that old feeling just hits me. However, if you feel that is some type of backpedaling on my part, then you all do not know me at all. I make absolutely no apologizes for anything that I have written. If you disagree, then that's great. Better yet, why not put out your own column, like some of my boys do, and let your views be known. Some of you all might not remember, but this whole column started as a letter in December of 1999 telling all of my family and friends exactly when I was going to be home from Los Angeles with a couple of interesting interjections thrown in. Over time it began to morph into something more, something greater. It has become almost cathartic in a way. I want it to be an exchange of intelligent, yet sometimes dissenting opinions. I want it to stir debate and to be controversial. So I guess overall I'm writing to say thank you. Thank you, for the people out there that think I am bringing you the uncut truth. Thank you to all the people that think I'm just an egotistical moron that doesn't know jack s*&% about what's really going on in the world. Thank you for sticking with me for all of this time and hopefully we can achieve more in the future. But if y'all think I'm going to stop and cower under the pressure, then once again you don't know me at all. I'm the undisputed champion of this whole Internet commentary game. The Sultan of the Sentence and the Captain of Consonance will not stop. I can't stop. Why? You all don't want me to.
--AIR © 2002
P.S. I for some reason you didn't receive the "I Got Beef" edition or any previous edition let me know and I will expediently send it your way. I've been meaning to put all these on my website for easier access, but just haven't found the time. Also I apologize for putting everyone's email address in the title line, but I'm experiencing some difficulty with my email provider in sending things out with the BCC.
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
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1 hour ago
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