What up FAM? What Up Folk? What up Cuz Cuz? Once again it’s Ya Boy and I am coming at you this week with some of that A-town stomp ish. I have to give credit for the following edition to my boy Haas G Tate. Haas G is the first of my true homies to voluntarily commit to the same woman, as Mac 10 would say “Fo-Life”. Now before I get the calls and emails, there is nothing wrong with going down “Fo-Life”; I am an advocate of that. However, I believe that with any relationship one should take the time to do their research/homework before making that decision. For years, TDRS has talked about winning the game and full disclosure and I bet some you don’t think that this philosophy is also applicable to committed relationships. You can believe what you want, but today in true hollaatyaboys fashion, TDRS will be discussing the unwritten rules of relationships today. Before you ask, these are the rules that I have learned over many years of dating and relationships. Women are the authority, they legislate these “rules”, so any disagreements should be directed towards them or their speaker of the house….”Oprah”. Ha! This edition will broadly cover a variety of subjects, so forgive me for the limited content. Also, this is more for the fellas, but I am sure the ladies will read this edition with sincere interest.
Before we get to the rules let’s hit the usual topics this week.
Who Embarrassed the Race this week?
Micheal Irvin
· A “pipe”was found in Mr. Irvin’s car. Surprise, Surprise eh? I guess Mike was speeding to catch that five-o-clock free crack giveaway!
Mrs. Kirk Franklin
· On Oprah, Mrs. Franklin decided to give viewers a sneak peak into the freaky world of the Franklin’s. Mrs. Franklin basically said she tried such things as the “dress up stuff”. Dress up stuff? I’m sorry but she “aint gotta lie Craig”! Quietly, we know that Mrs. Franklin was doing a lot more freaky stuff if her hubby was digging in the trash to find discarded porn flicks.
…Given that we are in the season, I thought I would start off with the Holiday Rules.
The Holidays:
Rule #1-New Years is NOT a negotiable holiday! I have learned over the years that this day is special for a number of reasons but not for what the average guy thinks. New Years is not about the kiss at midnight, it’s not even about starting the year with the guy they love. New Years is all about that REALLY nice dress that they get to wear, PERIOD!! And don’t forget, you must take her to some place where she can wear that REALLY nice dress, so dinner at Applebees isn’t going to cut it.
Rule #2-Thanksgiving is officially the “I know he really likes me day”. Fellas, let me go on record and say that meeting the parents is always a “big thing”, but meeting the Family on the biggest family holiday of the year is even bigger. Yeah Christmas is cool, but it’s nothing like Thanksgiving because everyone from the 88-year old alcoholic grandmother (my girlie didn’t meet her this year) to the crown-royale drinking dad will meet her and if that’s not a message, I don’t know what is.
Rule #3-Don’t take her Christmas spirit lightly! Women are natural born givers and if you find yourself dissapointed on the 25th there is no one to blame but yourself. The fellas used to always wonder why I received such good gifts in the past and I would answer with the patented “they got my best 30 seconds”, which is true, but there is much more to that. I can’t wait for the emails on this one. I truly believe that if you spoil them and not necessarily with gifts (although they do help), you will also be spoiled two-fold.
The other but equally important Days:
Valentines Day:
Rule #4-Valentines Day is NOT THE end all, be all female day. Those laides that look forward to this day are usually the one’s who get NO love during the year and the 14th is all they have. Think about it. If you send her flowers at the office 2-3 times a year, then what’s so great about getting flowers on the 14th of February? My friend Steph T once told me that a man is in total control of how much they get whether that be sex, gifts, drama, etc and I’ve got to say she is right. Fellas keep her happy all year long and she may even get to the point of treating the 14th of February like the 15th of February, totally insignificant.
Rule #5-Do Not start dating seriously until after the 14th! Valentines day is like “play action” in the NFL. Before you know it, one of the chicks in your rotation will try to tie you down for a harmless date on 14th, which is equivalent to the simple running play in the NFL. You, however, think it’s harmless until that same chick, fakes the simple handoff and throws the ball downfield by saying something like “I thought we were more serious, we went out on on Valentines Day”! Fellas, if you don’t want to deal with the drama, wait to play the game until the spring when you can scoop up a number of scorned Valentine’s Day chicks.
Rule #6-Your B-day is VERY important to her. It’s taken me a few years to figure this out but it is so true. It really didn’t hit me until a few years ago when I had a pretty good rotation of ladies and one of them asked two months before my b-day (Oct 7th btw) what my plans were. I, being somewhat wise answered, “I don’t know, my boys usually end up doing something”. Unfortunately, that was the wrong answer and she internalized that as me putting my boys first. Honestly, I didn’t want to commit to her when I had a few starters coming off bench, but oh well, when you’re single it’s always bro’s before ho’s, I guess. Anyway, your B-day is their day, so let them be in charge and heaven forbid don’t diss them for the boys. You’ll pay dearly in opportunity costs in the sense that by going out with the boys, you lose the opportunity for surprise–b day parties, a lil somethin somethin, food, nice gifts, etc.
RULE #7-Her B-day is all about what she wants! Christmas and V-Day are your time to get those gifts she least expected. Her B-Day should be entitled “Spoil Me” day and that’s the truth. Fellas don’t screw up and forget this day because that is almost blasphemous. Even more so detrimental would be giving her some “jacked” up gift. Jacked up gifts don’t necessarily mean things that a cheap. Jacked gifts include the most simple and non-thoughtful things. My advice is to really go all out and get her what she wants and not what you think will make her happy. On her B-day, the “thought” doesn’t count, the carart, clarity, cut, and color do. I aint saying go out and buy diamonds, I am just saying if you’re going to spoil her do it on her B-Day.
Other Unwritten Miscellaneous rules I’ve learned over the years!
RULE #8-She always likes your homeboy that is in a committed relationship more than the single one.
RULE #9-You can never go wrong shopping for her at Victoria Secret…Better yet, I guess you can never go wrong shopping for her period.
RULE #10-Guys always sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door.
RULE #11-It’s okay for them to have an Essence Magazine with the new favorite brotha of the month on the front.
RULE #12-It’s not okay for us to have a King Magazine with Maya on the front.
RULE #13-If you really want to see her, you have to actually SAY it. Never assume she knows you want to.
RULE #14-When acknowledging the attractiveness of another female…Actually there is no such thing. Dumb Move, No Win…so don’t do it.
RULE #15-A jealous man is possessive.
RULE #16-A jealous woman is in-love.
RULE #17-It’s not a good idea to pack condoms when your signficant other isn’t going on the trip. I am going to forever name this, the “Stash” rule.
RULE#18-Guys are ALWAYS in the wrong for leaving the toilet seat up.
RULE#19-Ladies are NEVER in the wrong for leaving the toilet seat down.
RULE#20-Ladies REALLY look forward to taking care of a brotha when he’s sick.
RULE#21-If she tells you that she loves you first, then you don’t have to say it back until you’re ready.
RULE#22-Don’t say those “three” words unless you mean it!
RULE #23-All plutonic, female friends must be mentioned and preferbly introduced prior to the consumation of the relationship.
RULE #24-If she can cook your mother will love her.
Rule #25-If by some grace of God, luck, or just pure skill, you score a dime-piece don’t screw it up!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
TDRS:The Unwritten Rules Edition
Posted by ThatDamnRicSimon at 2:38 PM 5 comments
Sunday, December 04, 2005
The Air Up Here, Vol. V - "The Skin You're In" Edition
A friend of mine recently told me, "Oh, you're one of those brothers that goes for the light-skinned girls with the long hair." When she made that statement I have to admit that her friend status almost got revoked. For one, because that's not the first, second, or third time that I have heard that comment. For two, I'm bewildered, how this theme has become an issue with me considering that the person I fell the hardest for sported a TWA (teeny weenie afro), affectionately known as "the mushroom." For three, just to play devil's advocate, so what if that were my preference? Are you trying to date me? If so, say something. If not, be quiet!
In reality her assessment could not be further from the truth, I'm not going for anyone right now. That explains my current single status. However, during those times that I do feel like wading into the dating pool it's open season, baby! Do I like light-skinned girls with long hair? Damn right. Dark-skinned girls with short-hair? They could get it too. Latinas? What? Why do you think I loved working in the Bronx? (233rd and White Plains Ave and around Fordham University. I made sure I rolled through there at least once a week.) Asian girls? Holla back, youngin'. The Caucasian honeys? Did y'all see some of those girls that went to FSU? I didn't party at Clydes & Costellos every Friday for nothing. When it comes to dating, there is no discriminating in my book at least in theory. I've never actually "dated" anyone that was Caucasian, Latina, or Asian. Well there was the half-Asian woman, but she was also part Black (one-drop rule, right?) and she went to an HBCU.
In the words of TDRS and his Universal Ratings Scale, "A dime is a dime." Fellas recognize and women do too. To that end, why should you concern yourself with the ethnicity of the individual(s) I choose or choose not to be with. Same goes for the color of their skin. You're not going home with her or me, so quit staring, rolling your eyes, and sucking your teeth about what I do on my time.
I'm not going to go back and dissect the whole house slave, field slave issue, which may have been the genesis of this divide (at least in this country). I just want to discuss why it is still an issue in the Black community today. It's Two Thousand and Five, and it still seems that nobody is happy in the skin that they are in. I know a girl that is as light as Halle Berry and wants to swear that she is dark and chocolaty. I know another woman that is darker than midnight in the Mississippi backwoods, but gets offended if someone comments on it. It doesn't seem to matter that she is absolutely gorgeous and has some of the prettiest, smoothest, blemish-free skin that I have ever seen. Once again, why can't people just be happy with whom they are considering that skin color is not a characteristic that you cannot change (well, unless you are Michael Jackson)? Trust me, whatever your color, there is someone out there that is checking for you. I know light-skinned guys that exclusively date dark-skinned women and I also know the opposite to be true. This is what I like to call the "evening-out the baby" theory. Before you start giggling, just take a look at the black couples the next time you are out on the town and see if this theory isn't validated.
A very bad habit that I picked up during my sales career is constantly eavesdropping on other people's conversations. It used to come in handy, especially if one of your competitors was in the doctor's office. I was once eavesdropping on this conversation in which this woman stated that she didn't think she had yet reached the level of being a "true African." Like true Africaness was some level of Super Mario Brothers that you can achieve by defeating King Koopa and rescuing the princess. I almost burst out laughing in one my "Negro please" moments because I was thinking to myself that you will never be a true African if you were born in America. Oh, you may have African roots; but don't get it twisted, the white guy from Zimbabwe is more African than you. Once again, why not just be happy with the person that are?
But back to the dating life, it seems like there is a backlash against light-skinned girls with long hair. They have become the fashionable, easy targets of ridicule like Big Tobacco, fast food, and corporate CEOs. Okay, maybe not that bad, but you wouldn't believe some of the conversations and comments that I've heard both directly and when exercising my bad habit. What? Light-skinned girls don't need love too? Why should a guy be made to feel guilty if that is his preference? As I stated in the "Get Yours Edition", if that is what he likes then he is not going to be happy with anything less than the genuine article, so let it go.
As someone who likes to consider himself dark and chocolaty, although most people would say I'm more Milky Way than Hershey's Extra Dark; I can say that I really don't have a preference one way or another when it comes to skin color. Like most men, I'm just looking for ATTRACTIVE and the definition of attractive can change for me depending upon the day of the week, the time of day, and what mood you catch me in. I would normally say that I would prefer woman that is like 5'9" or 5'10" (in case you didn't know your writer is 6'5" without shoes), but that does not always hold true. Not that I'm trying to get with her, but to be honest the most attractive person that I have seen lately maybe pushing 5'2", has hair shorter than Halle's and would not have a ghetto onion if she did 300 squats a day. (However, for full disclosure, there was this 5'9" stunner whose life I was trying to weasel my way into, although my advances didn't seem to have been taken seriously. Being humorous does have its downside).
Although it has been scientifically proven that the majority of humans all have the same definition of attractiveness/beauty (it has something to do with how symmetrical a person's features are), symmetry can still be found in a variety of shapes, heights, and hues. Therefore, I implore people to stop being preoccupied with the preferences of the next man or the next woman and to start focusing on what makes them happy.
If someone exclusively likes light-skinned people then that is their prerogative. If they exclusively want to date dark-skinned individuals, again that is their right. I personally find both scenarios to be bordering on idiotic, because you are limiting yourself from large segments of the population and thus from more opportunities to find "The One." However, I refuse to castigate someone for making that decision either. What? Just because someone is light doesn't make them Black too? Heck, even Tiger Woods (whom many Black people have issues with mainly because of his wife) got tied a tree and called a nigger in his youth (at least that's what the story I read on ESPN.com said). He might not be leading rallies and throwing up the Black Power fist in the air and he may he claim to be "Cablasian" or whatever in interviews; but make no mistake, deep down he knows what color he is (or at least the color people perceive him to be). Just because you didn't grow up in the South doesn't mean that you do not know and have not felt the effects of racism; similarly, just because you're not Wesley Snipes dark doesn't mean you're not Black.
I hear folks talking about the only people you see in videos and in commercials are the wavy-haired, light-skinned women whose racial identity is somewhat ambiguous. Commercials and videos acquiesce to whatever is going to move their media numbers, which hopefully will drive individuals to their stores to spend that straight cash. If the individuals in the commercials and videos do not project a positive or desirable image that can be associated with that particular product, then in the words of Ice Cube, "they'll (the advertisers) have a new nigga next year." Remember in the Eighties and early Nineties, when all of the brothers on television looked liked Christopher Williams (of New Jack City "I'm Dreamin" fame)? Now, most of the brothers that you see on television all have that Tyson Beckford thing going on. These things tend to go in cycles as I will illustrate below.
Still referencing the scientific definition of attractiveness above, with strictly the symmetry variable holding constant, the other variables can and will vary. Looking back two to three hundred years ago, what we would now consider fat, borderline obese and pale was the shiznit. Why? Because everyone else was thin and tanned from working outdoors. The only people who were able to stay fat and pale were the affluent class. In 2005, pasty and obese really isn't a good look, but who knows, in another 300 years it could make a comeback. But until then, as I have stated before, put the Twinkie down and slowly back away from the table.
Back to the main topic, the beauty of being Black that very few other groups on this earth enjoy is the wide spectrum of colors that are represented. It is a veritable hue smorgasbord. If you want it, we got it. So once again, why all of the hate and why all of the animosity because one person prefers certain characteristics over another? If you were attempting to get with them, then I can understand a little hatin'. Nobody likes it when someone else gets something they want or worse yet feel like they deserve (I'd hate too, but there is a way to do it. I call it "New-Age Player Hatin" remind me to explain it in a future edition), but you suck it up and you move on. Whatever you do, do not fixate. I cannot tell you how many times (well, I guess actually I can because I've written about many them in this column over the years) that someone that I was interested in chose someone else. However you lament a little bit, cry if you must, piece your face back together, and keep on truckin'. In time you will realize that there is someone else out there that has many, if not more, of the same qualities that you hold so dear.
--AIR © 2005
Posted by AIR at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
TDRS:The Diamonds on My Neck Edition
What Up Folk, What Up Fam! It’s your boi and you know how I do. I bring that straight up FIRE by keeping it real and not pleading the “fif”. I am bringing it in less than 2,000 words a week for those who just finished reading the revised Bar Etiquette Edition. Now the title of this edition was sort of catchy and current, I know, but it pretty much sums up my rant today. Everyone who is anyone in hip-hop, athletics and even “real life” is talking about that cash money. It’s starting to become a little outrageous and it’s time for TDRS to “simmer down” the uproar and like Kanye, “not lie to you man”. You all know my feelings about Kanyeeze and in today’s edition I’ll spare some of my otherwise scathing comments on “him” for another day. I will start everything off with the most overhyped lie told today and that is “Diamonds Are Forever”! Before I pontificate on the subject, let’s begin with the weekly housecleaning items”.
Person/Events That Shamed the Race last week:
Stella & her “Boo”.
I hate to go here but I must pontificate on this whole D/L thing…. AGAIN. At the end of the day the whole point of being on the “D/L” is leading one to believe that they are NOT a “left hand batter”, switch hitter, or as my dad would say, a sissy. I’m sorry but if one can spot a “switch hitter” from a mile away, is he truly on the D/L? Case in point was this whole Toni Morrison interview on Oprah. Ladies, you can’t tell me that there wasn’t something weird about that brotha. This wasn’t about him bathing in dove (b/c people who like quality soap do) it was about that person and his personality. Look at his mannerisms and the way he talks. It was pretty damn obvious this brotha was hotter than a pack of hot sauce flavored pork skins. All I got to say is that Stella may have gotten her groove back, but it’s too bad it was to the tune of the Village People. Stella should have known better.
The Vibe Awards
All I can say is that Keyshia Cole’s girl wearing the white-feathered hat was truly a sight to see. I mean, I knew Ms Cole was ghettocious (full of ghetto) when the red dye in her hair was visibily running down her face in the “I shoud’ve cheated” video, but her girlfriends who tagged along with her to the Vibe awards was the icing on the cake. While I’m hot, I’ll just list my other observations in bullet points to keep things moving:
· I thought BET was wrong for giving the cast of girlfriends a spot on it top 25 list, but VIBE took it one step further by having a tie for the best new artist award between Young Jeezy and Ms Cole.
· Tracy Ellis Ross (Joan from Girlfriends) is really an airhead when she’s not in character.
· Luda’s confederate flag outfit was pretty much ho-hum. I seem to remember Lil John in the Bia-Bia video rocking the confederate wear like 2.5 years ago.
· Finish this off folks…Popeye’s Chicken is to Beyonce as Church’s Chicken is to______.
· Top-notch superstars should not attend these low budget award shows. It’s like Tiger Woods playing in the Jake Gaither Charity Classic.
· If you (Mary J Blige) win the equivalent of a lifetime achievment award before the age of 35, are you really being told that your career is basically over?
This Week’s “The thing that when you think about it, it really pisses you off”, and that is….
…. People in this country that can’t speak English. All I’m saying is that I shouldn’t have to revert to “Hooked on phonics-The Fantasia Edition” to explain to the “no speaka inglis” illegals at the local dry cleaner that I was missing two pairs of pants. Note these were two pairs from Banana Republic, so you know they weren’t cheap! Clearly you can tell that a brotha is pretty heated about this. I’m just letting you guys know how I REALLY feel. Is it me, or am I the only one who just wants to hang up when Mahkmud or Lu-Si or anyone who can’t conjugate verbs answers the customer service line? This ish has got to stop!
Diamonds on My Neck!
Okay, let me preface my comments by saying that the woman I do marry will hopefully get a mini “Rockefeller Center” on her finger. That is, I hope to save up enough dough to give her a piece of ice so thick that you “can skate on it”. However, before she get’s that “rock” or as my man J Jackson would say the “second contract” she HAS to perform on that first deal. FYI, I’m working on the second contract right now, b/c when you got an allstar, you have to keep them on your team at all cost. What’s the first deal you ask? Well you’ll have to tune in next week b/c TDRS will unveil the first ever rookie contract for the ladies. To set the stage, I just thought I’d give a bit of background….
…These days it seems that some ladies are coming out of college, trade school, high school, or wherever, thinking they are the # 1 pick in the draft. Brothas know that there are basically three types. The ones who:
1. Hold out of Training Camp
For some reason and you can call it poor advice from an agent (aka their girl), the #1 draft pics don’t go out on those mean streets. They believe that they are pro-bowlers/all-stars, yet haven’t played one game in the league. Sorry, but what you did in college doesn’t count for ish. Examples of this type of behavior include saying:
a. “My stomach was flatter and/or I had some abs”
b. “I used to be sweet”
c. “Guys always sweat me”
This type instead opts to stay home and complain that no man wants to draft them. They basically walk around with a chip on their shoulder, like they were the only one’s who’ve had their heartbroken, cheated on, etc. I mean no one really likes Training Camp or what we call those mean streets, but you have to do it before you settle down. I mean for all you would be “hold-outs”, please stop the frequent visits to obscure jazz clubs in hopes of finding a Denzel Washington type with salt and pepper hair. Better yet, before going to a jazz club please know something about jazz. And by the way, Sade is NOT jazz. That’s all I am saying.
2. Demands A Large Signing Bonus
This is really a beef of mine b/c some of the rookies out there don’t deserve one damn dime. I mean if you haven’t been to training camp and all but “blew out” your knee chasing wack dudes in your early 20s, what makes you think a brotha wants to put diamonds on your neck? Maybe some pearls, but I am not going there today! Yeah I know ELI Manning recieved a $20MM upfront bonus, but heck he is the franchise quarterback, the future of the Giants. Brothas should refuse to pay top dollar for those ladies who are nothing but position players…like punters are in the NFL. These are the types that can do one thing somewhat well, but are worthless when it comes to anything else.
3. Looks for an Insurance Policy
Now there are plenty of ladies out there who think we are still in the 1920s. I’m sorry but the “non-atheletes” of the world aren’t ballin till we fall, so cut us some slack. Please stop it with this constant quest for that man that will take care of you. Take care of yourself first and then when you find that man, take care of each other. That’s all I’m saying. It’s unfortunate but these types are killing our attitudes right now and THAT’s why many brothas are acting stupid when it comes to the ladies these days. Brothas don’t care b/c they truly view the ladies as “golddiggers” and that’s the bottom line. Don’t get mad at the messenger, I’m just the man sittin next to the man that heard a man sing that song. I’m just keeping it REAL!
Please note that TDRS isn’t complaining because I scouted and really believe I drafted very well. I’m just letting my folks know what I’m hearing and seeing out there on them mean streets. Don’t dispair, because as I mentioned earlier, the rookie contract will be coming out next week and that should solve the problem! How u luv dat?
Say man,I'm just now getting to this. I will admit, that i'm dissaponited that you're out of the game...but I wanna congratulate you also...hopefully your lady is treating your right.W/ respect to the decline in the frequency of the TDRS emails...I'd like to request that you at least publish the TDRS re-adjusted Universal scale---post Rio before you go out...PS, My buddy from ATL, sent me that song you're talking about (The ATL theme song), and yes it sucks! Even though it doesn't talk about Atlanta specifically, my recommendation is that THE ATL adopts Ludacris and Field Mob's rendition of "Georgia"...that sh** is a BANGA my friend!!! B
Nia Long and Sommore are sisters. BS!!! Show me the paperwork. Gotta be different daddies!!! I would say it is a publicity stunt... but who the hell cares. How is Ebony handling the fact that your junk joint drunk off moonshine ass bar brawling cousins want her number. I'm sho that she jus ready to start choosin...whats up for the weekend holler at ya boi? Perry Pimp
Man, no longer single? Gave up the game, eh? Congrats! I ain't mad, I rejoined the single ranks a few months ago, and let me tell ya, it is "hard out here for a pimp" in LA. Maybe I should rent a Lex for the weekend to impress the ladies like the rest of the cats out here. Then again maybe not.Keep spittin' that fire bro!! J Reid
· Just wanna say I loved it! And thanks for the top 25 run-down. Been trying to catch the show and haven't been able to. C. Magee
I missed my shoutout!! Thank Ric! Thank you for also noting that Mariah is NOT BLACK!!! You can't claim that you are the most misunderstood black woman in essence mag. and then only have white boys on ya arm and in ya videos!! Stop giving Popeye's a shout out in all of your commentaries. You are starting to sound like BruceBruce!! Ava
you've probably gone over this before, but what is milf? Lisa G
That was good baby! Q.K. Nichols aka the #1 Draft pick!
Posted by ThatDamnRicSimon at 9:18 AM 0 comments
TDRS:The Jumping Off The Bandwagon Edition
What up Fam? What up Folk? It’s great to back and writing these things more often and I have to give a shout out to Ms J Linthecome for expressing her disagreement with TDRS’s comments on Kanye West. I’m sure many of you share her comments and thoughts, so I thought I would just put them out there before I reply:
I haven't read too many of your emails lately because they are so long, but I have to say you are very wrong on the Kanye West comments. First of all, I think Kanye West is one arrogant son of a bitch, and I have never been a fan, but I have to give him respect for what he said. How often do you stand up for what you believe in at work? This man had a forum and made his opinion known. No, he doesn't speak for every black person, but he echoed what many of us have said all along. And who cares if the Congressional Black Caucas doesn't endorse him. The CBC has become a monkey show just like NAACP, a bunch of money-hungry crabs fighting over things that will only get them attention. Kanye doesn't need their support just like the RNC doesn't need the support of the KKK. And Masta P ain't nothing more than coon. He has done more to perpetuate the image of poverty and crime in New Orleans than Masta P. He is so irrelevant.
And what did Kanye have to lose? Pinkies (white people) are pissed. Before his comments, Kanye had been on the cover of Time Magazine and on the cusp of crossing over. I don't thinkthe plan will run as smooth now as his comments are re-played day after day. And you ask why didn't he make those comments at MTV Awards? Do you carry the burdens of black America on your sleeves everyday?
Bush might not care about the white people who voted for him, but he does a great job of pretending. He was on the ground hugging his constituents in the heavily Republicans areas of Mobile and Biloxi days before stepping foot in New Orleans. Do I think he's clueless? Yes! Completely out of touch. But how you watch TV and not see the racism? Over Labor Day weekend, I worked at an evacuee shelter. People were in shock that no one came to help them. And yes, they feel if was West Palm Beach, Naples, or the Carolina Coast, they would have gotten help faster.
So brotha, maybe you have spent a little too much time in Brazil and you need to snap back into reality…J Linthecomb
TDRS-Jumping off the Bandwagon
Okay, first of all thanks for the reply and comments. I appreciate them very much. I will say and hope that the Brazil comment is a joke because otherwise it sort of diluted your reply. I mean is there something about Brazil you don’t like? What did the Brazilians do or have to do with Katrina or Kanye? Don’t hate the playa hate the game! I mean maybe you are upset with the Rio Edition? And if so, I really do “sho” hate it.
Anyway, I’ll make sure to go off on that comment at another time and instead focus on the topic at hand and that is jumping on the bandwagon. I respect your opinion on Mr West, I just disagree with his statement and approach and that’s the bottom line. Yes, he had a forum but do you really think that was the appropriate time to say something so off the beat and track? It was a fundraising event. He was “begging”(strong word I know but its true) for money from U.S. citizens and that includes Bush supporters. If Kanye represents those black people in New Orleans and he gets on a national stage to tell people who actually voted Bush in office (remember there are more of them than us since Bush did win the popular vote) that their candidate doesn’t like black people, what’s their incentive to give? That’s my first problem with Mr. West. It’s okay to feel a certain way and also to voice one’s opinion, but there is a time and place for everything and in my opinion, that wasn’t the time or place. My father always said that beggars can’t be choosy, so Kanye and anyone on his bandwagon should truly pick their poison. This isn’t the time to pull the race card, especially if it isn’t necessarily warranted.
I am sorry but it is highly likely that the same thing would have occurred under anyone’s administration. At the end of the day, NO ONE was prepared and EVERYONE miscalculated the effects the storm would have on the levee system in the N.O. The levee saw no color. Yes, Wubba is the president of the U.S. but he didn’t crack a hole in the levee. At the end of the day, the city didn’t have the resources to get the poor (most of which were black) out of the city and to take care of them once they were safe. This is Problem #1. Heaven forbid the eye of the storm actually hitting the N.O. There would have easily been 10,000 dead, so let’s not forget that. Let’s begin with the unprepardness before going to point the finger and then exacerbating the situation by calling people racist or better yet saying that the reason people weren’t helped is because there was some conspiracy against black folk. New Orleans was a disaster waiting to happen and it did. You’re right in that had this been Florida things would have been different…at least appeared different. The state of Florida has dealt with this for years and I’ll say the state is a tad bit more prepared than any state with respect to hurricanes. So is the city of New Orleans and state of Louisiana racist? I don’t think so. Unprepared, definitely! Check this excerpt from the September 10th edition of the Palm Beach Post:
“Florida emergency planners criticized and even rebuked their counterparts -- or what passes for emergency planners -- in those states for their handling of Hurricane Katrina. Gov. Jeb Bush, the head of Florida AHCA and the head of Florida wildlife (which is responsible for all search and rescue) all said they made offers of aid to Mississippi and Louisiana the day before Katrina hit but were rebuffed. After the storm, they said they've had to not only help provide people to those states but also have had to develop search and rescue plans for them. "They were completely unprepared -- as bad off as we were before Andrew," one Florida official said.
Heads have already rolled at FEMA and we don’t need to regergetate the fact the head of the organization was unqualified to handle such a disaster. If you’re going to be upset, but upset that FEMA and the government (local, state, and federal) dropped the ball. Don’t go and start pulling the race card, because again black people weren’t the only ones affected, nor the only ones involved in the decision-making. If you’re going to be uspet also be upset at a black N.O. state representative who used the National Guard and a helicopter to retrieve personal items from his home in the affluent Uptown district and this was during the storm when people were waiting to be helped. I know that’s nitpicky but you and Kanye should be prepared to defend the actions of our own people before pulling the race card.
That’s great that you worked at an evacuee center, but please tell me exactly where you saw the racism? I mean of course they are going to feel mistreated and I don’t blame them. However, you and the Kanye bandwagon should take a step back and really access the situation before making such strong comments. Furthermore, we should not forget about all those “other” people in the state of Mississippi and parts of Alabama who are just as distraught and displaced? The news media has focused on the N.O., but it wasn’t the only city that was impacted. There were some cities that were totally DESTROYED, not just flooded.
At the end of the day, it’s time to be smart and quit all the rhetoric about Bush this and Bush that b/c it has solved absolutely nothing. We did it four years ago and he still got re-elected. I really hate to bring Herm Edwards back into this, but we have to play to win the game and name-calling isn’t the way. Unfortunately we are going to go that route and we’ll see what happens. You and Kanye call me when you’re done calling names and finally want to put something together to solve a problem. If I am not at home, I’ll likely be in Rio enjoying retirement.
Posted by ThatDamnRicSimon at 9:11 AM 0 comments
TDRS:The No Duh Edition
What Up Fam? What Up Folk? It’s your boy and you know how I do. I am all about spitting that straight FIRE. There aren’t any shoutouts for this edition b/c TDRS hasn’t been active on a consistent basis, but that’s all good. Actually, I do have a big shout out to all those who showed TDRS love with gifts at the Housewarming in September. Big Shouts to Nicole K (thanks a bunch for the shot glasses), E Troupe, Vendetta R (u know who you are and thanks for the $15,000 Bed Bath & Beyond Gift certificate), Jamoke, J Jackson, G-Tate, T Hinton (you are about to join the 31 club in four days) T. Mayo, E Fountain, and anyone else who came through to my new home. The lesson learned from the party was never, ever, ever, put out a bottle of Courvoisier for general consumption.
I’d like to say I’m sorry to those who expect these rants to be in you mailbox every week. I really, really am sorry. I now understand why Dave Chappell walked away from the game. It’s hard to keep people laughing when they’ve laughed so hard already. There is only so much I can talk about in terms of relationships and quite frankly it’s getting old. I am no longer single, so I am out the game. I faded to gray, not to black, but gray. Big Shout to My boy Haas G-Tate III who “Faded to Black” two weeks ago in a very nice wedding ceremony. His playa card has expired! He hadn’t really been using the card anyway, so we closed his account. Congrats, Haas G!
This Week’s Events/People that made me proud to Be Black:
Rosa Parks-Granted this isn’t an event, but her name will forever by synonymous with the civil rights movement. Unlike these “wanna be” take action superstars who talk a big game, Miss Rosa took a stand or better yet refused get up, causing all hell to break loose in this country.
This Week’s Events/People that Embarrassed the Race:
Sheryl Swoopes-I’m sorry, but Sheryl you get no cool points for coming out of a closet that was lit with a 200 watt light bulb and full of other WNBA players. I mean didn’t the movie Jowanna Mann show us that anything goes in the WNBA? We, the public don’t really care about how you or any other athlete “gets down”. Actually now that you’ve come out you’ve got to let the people know the details. Were you a top or bottom?
· Young Jeezy-The self-proclaimed T-R-A-P-S-T-R was paying $150/month in child support until his baby mama decided to sue for an increase to $20K/month. $150/month??? Come on Jeezy. I guess Jeezy has definitely “first off been staking his flow”, instead of sharing the dough. At the end of the day, no one really wants baby mama drama do they? Heaven forbid a “baby mama” that can’t read in the year 2005!
While I’m on the subject of embarrassing, I think I need to list a couple of disappointments over the last few weeks:
The Atlanta Theme Song-The city of Atlanta is embarking on a new marketing slogan and theme to attract visitors to the city that is so on fire (flaming might be the better word) right now that General Sherman is turning in his grave. One of the most anticipated initiatives was the city’s anthem, which was produced by ATL’s own Dallas Austin. While he is by all accounts a talented producer, I have to keep it real and say that the theme song entitled “ATL” was pretty lame. For those who haven’t been privy to the song, I think I can describe it in such away that you’ll understand my criticism. Imagine the hook (“A-T-L’) being sung by Bone Crusher with a mix violins and a beat that could’ve been easily put together by MC Shy D. Add in some soul (the usual 112, jagged edge type of soul) and boom, you got ATL’s new anthem. My vote will forever be Welcome to Atl, by J.D.
Paul Wall-The Peoples Champ- I was totally duped by the so-called “people’s champ” who reps H-town. Anytime Bun-B makes another person’s song hot, don’t buy the album unless Bun B is on every song. That’s all I am saying. Paul that was absolutely terrible and you know you could have saved the chopped and screwed disc for the mentally disabled. Paul says he’s got the “Internet blowing up”. Well Paul let me just say that the http://hollaatyaboys.blogspot.com website got more “hits” than you. I hate to go Fisher Deberry, but “white” rappers suck. There is one exception and that’s Eminem, but that’s it. I’ll never buy another white rapper’s album again.
The $40MM contract to Charlie Weis- Call it being biased or whatever you want, but I am still pissed that Ty Willingham was fired at Norte Dame. I actually was just beginning to get over it, until the “hunch-backs” decided to give a 1st year coach that has gone 5-2 with players that were recruited by Ty (who was 8-0 during his 1st year, btw) a $40MM contract. Please note this was the richest contract in NCAA history, mind you. Let me go on record and say that Tennessee will open up a can on the Irish this weekend. You heard it hear first!
George Bush-I aint mad at him this week for Iraq, Katrina, Harriet Miers, or the leak. I am mad at George b/c he started a near riot at Howard University a week ago when students were not allowed to partake in their weekly Soulfood Thursday’s at the café b/c the President was on campus. Security had the café on lockdown, so students were pissed that they couldn’t get any “ConeBread”.
BET’s 25 Sexiest Women-This has already been talked about amongst the fellas, so I am not going to dwell on the stupidity of the show, namely the title which gave us the impression that it would cover 25 years of the sexiest women. There have been a number of posts out there with brothas posting their personal top 25. I won’t do that, but I’ll instead focus on BET’s list. Here is the list for those that didn’t catch it, with my comments.
25. Lauryn Hill-Classic Pick, but #25? Definitely on the top 10 MILF list.
24. Girlfriends-I mean, the one with the DSL’s would get it, but didn’t the show lose all credibility by naming the entire cast? The list truly isn’t 25 when its actually 27! Come on BET!
23.Monique-Monique before Lauryn Hill. Wow! I will say I’d go for a ton of love with Monique before the “my head lost more weight than I did, Starr Jones”.
22. Toni Braxton-Toni, who shares my b-day, would definitely be on my top 10 MILF list!
21. Lil Kim-Okay Lauryn Hill #25 and Lil Kim 4 spots better. Very interesting!
20.Vivica Fox-Why are the ladies hating on Vivica for dancing on the MTV movie awards? I mean she’s been dancing for crowds since Independence Day.
19.Kelly Rowland-Sleeper, definite sleeper! I hope she doesn’t ever try to run away from Roy because she may end up crippled.
18.Tina Turner-Still got those legs. Speaking of Tina, how in the hell is Angela Bassett not on this list?
17.Lisa Raye-How is her show still on and Kevin Hill is not? She still gets my vote for hooking my boy J Jackson and I up with some Hennessey shirts in Orlando.
16.Stacey Dash- “As if”, didn’t she marry a Caucasian brotha?
15. Vanessa Williams-Clearly there is some age/time discrimination going on. BET clearly wasn’t “Saving the Best for Last”.
14.Ashanti-See my comments above. Ashanti, even today couldn’t hold Vanessa Williams’ period panties! “Aww Baby” should be “Naww Baby”.
13.Mary J Blige-Talented yes! Sexy……enough to be #13?
12.Nia Long-And she’s the comedian Sommore’s sister? Wow, one of these days I am going to write about the little sister theory and how it never really fails. Think about: Venus/Serena, Sandra/Denise, Vanessa/Rudi, E. Johnson & J. Johnson at FAM (both were fine btw).
11.Jada Pinkett –Solid Pic!
10.PAM GRIER-Finally BET is paying homage! She made proud to an “Afro” American after watching some old films.
9.Alicia Keys-Isn’t she the type of girl that you can cheat with and no one would say anything?
8.Gabrielle Union-It’s definitely the dimples! And to think this girl worked at a Payless in Pleasanton, CA just makes me wanna jump off the Bay Bridge. E Fountain, do you think Gabrielle would have bought me an OJ Simpson USC throwback?
7.CIARA-Wow, BET just really did it with this one. Can she reach the age of 25 first? Damn! She’s dating “Bow-Wow” for Pete’s sake…That aint sexy at all!
6.Mariah Carey? I know it wasn’t explicitly stated, but wasn’t this supposed to 25 Sexiest “black” women?
5.Tyra Banks-Hmmm, she get’s in purely for the SI spread back in the day.
4. Aaliyah-See Alicia Keys comments above. If your girl only knew…..
3. Janet Jackson-Extra points if she’s been a MILF for all this time!
2.Beyonce-It’s amazing what staying away from that 2piece Spicy with red-beans and rice, an extra biscuit and grape jelly will do for you.
1. Halle Berry-This may have been the only pick BET did get right.
Posted by ThatDamnRicSimon at 9:09 AM 0 comments
TDRS:The Things I Hate Edition
What up Fam? What up Folk? It’s Ya Boy and I’m coming at you one mo gin with a big wazzup. Again I apologize for not publishing that fire on a consistent basis, but moving, career and who would’ve thunk, life “not” on those mean streets of Atlanta, has continued to consume TDRS’s time. No biggie right? Anyway, before I get it started I’d like to send a shout out to the new reader(s), (Felcia Jones…FAMU SBI 1993 and Marissa…wifey of Eddie Trojan) and anyone who this rant about nothing was forwarded to. I have tried for the last few weeks to come up something funny and to no avail. I think it’s because I’ve been so pissed with things going on in the world that it’s clouded my brain. In an effort to get back to the real, TDRS has to spew this week, so please excuse me. I might piss some of you off….I sho hate it. Without further ado, I really hate….
Wimp A$$ Atheletes
So I decided to check out some of the U.S. open tennis matches the other night because (i) Venus was in the quarterfinals and (ii) a brother named Blake was quietly moving his way up to a big match with Andre Agassi. As most of you know Venus is out and the brotha pretty much choked and let Agassi come back from two sets down and a break in the THIRD SET. I mean Blake was doing really well, but Agassi just refused to lose. I just have to get on Blake for his post match comments because someone needs to. Blake said, "I generally don't have much fun losing, but this one was a lot of fun to play. This was incredible." FYI Blake you didn’t lose, you choked. It’s sad that I have to keep bringing back the quote from Herm Edwards of the New York football Jets, but Blake, YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME! Period. There is no fun in losing, not generally, not at any time!!
Comcast Cable
I hate Comcast. Let me repeat, I hate these monopolistic bastards. All the Baby Bells and wireless phone companies are cutting prices for dsl and high speed internet but not the cocky bastards at Comcast. I know it’s not totally their fault because ESPN and MTV subscriber fees are not cheap. However it doesn’t make sense that my cable bill is basically a Honda civic car note. Did you know that Comcast charges $2.95 for that TV guide that is sent out weekely? I thought it was free and always trashed it because it was clogging my mailbox. I mean just think how much they are making off of this crap. It’s the equivalent of Bell South trying to charge you for the yellow pages. If nothing else please call Comcast today and inquire about this.
Telephone # Disclosure
So a few weeks ago I went to TJ MAXX to shop for house items. Before swipping my card, the cashier says, “telephone number”. Note I wasn’t asked for my telephone number nor was the request for my telephone number followed by the word “please”, I was essentially told to give my number as if it was necessary to complete the transaction. I always give my phone number because I think it is like some form of identification. Well, as I learned this weekend, IT’S NOT!!! In fact some of the stores have it posted clear as day that giving one’s phone number is completely voluntary. Maybe it’s just me but being asked for my number is totally different than being told to give my number. If it’s completely voluntary, then dammit just ask for it and give me the opportunity to say no. Just think if bartenders did this? Speaking of…
I love bartenders, I really, really do. What I hate are these bartenders who use measuring cups to make my “drank”. Are u fhukin kidding me? Before you know it we are going to have automatic drink making machines at the club. Actually that would be sort of cool. Now that I think about it, maybe not, because that would render bar position totally useless and you know how the fellas do when it comes to bar position.
Micheal Vick Haters
Micheal Vicks stats read like this: 12-23 passing, 11 rushes for 68 yards and a 55.7 passer rating. At the end of the day let’s talk about that W that was posted last night. Mike…shake them haters off!
Bary Bonds Haters
Has he failed a test yet? Nuff Said! The man missed 142 games this year and almost hit a homer (doubled instead) and scored a run.
Kanye West
I hate what Kanye did last week. Yeah I said it and yeah I bought his 1st album. I’m not buying album #2 b/c I am not feeling it. Oh yeah, I didn’t vote for Bush either so please save the emails saying I must be republican or something. The situation in the N.O. was sad and downright ridiculous and I hope and pray all of those affected somehow see brighter days ahead. Those in the N.O. and the SIP who saved themselves, families, or others are truly courageous and should be applauded. However, in this time of tradgedy, I refuse to just hand out applause to just anyone…Especially Mr. Kanye West.
Is Kanye really courageous? Courage where? Is he courageous for making such a statement in an already anti-bush environment? Why didn't he do this at the MTV music awards? Or the Grammy's where he was truly on a national/world stage. I guess he was too upset at the American Music Awards when he wasn’t getting any respect. And I’m not talking just about Katrina. Did he just find out that there was signficant poverty in the Big Easy? Did he just realize after Katrina that Bush didn't like Black folk? Come on now. People and blog sites everywhere talk about how much he had to lose for those comments. Please, Kanye had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Kanye’s consumer base is not the same as the Dixie Chicks (for those who remember what happened to them), so he didn’t step out of bounds by his comments. What? Are people going to stop buying his albums? We already know what his album sales did this week. Is he going to jail? Did he get put in jail? Is he on the front lines in Iraq? What does he have to lose? The man exercised his freedom of speech in a free country, so please stop the madness calling this man courageous. Even Master P wasn’t in agreement with Mr. Kanyeezees approach.
Now let me just say that Kanye was pretty close to dead on when he said in the “remix” that George Bush don’t care about “broke” negroes. Bush and all of those who voted for him don’t care about broke caucasions either. The sitiuation in the N.O. was not a blatant attempt to rid the world of the blacks. It did show that local, state, and national authorities were ill prepared and that our commander in chief is truly truly an IDIOT. I don’t think the man is a charter member of the Klan, but I do think he really did ride in the front seat of the little yellow bus. Let me say it loud so everyone can hear it, Bush doesn't care and doesn't need to care. Kanye saying Bush sux or doesn't care is not contrary to popular opinion and therefore doesn't warrant the tag line of "courageous". He was doing nothing but adding another stick to an out of fhukin control, Texas A&M style bonfire.
Are we that "hard" up for a leader that we will put all of our praise and hope into someone who stated the "obvious". At the end of the day Kanye was preaching to basically the "choir" right? Now what? The collection plate was being passed around and money was being directed to the sick and shut in before his comments and will continue afterward. Now I am in no way advocating for "negroes" to keep quiet. The man has the right to free speech in a free country. This isn't 1960? Kanye and his faithful followers believe that everyone wanted to say it, but do they really? Maybe they don't believe what Kanye said. Sure it sounds good and everyone vents amongst friends, but do we really feel that way? Does he think the world is clueless to the fact that blacks have struggeled in the U.S? Again this isn't 1960. Does he feel Bush cares about black people less so than a Clinton or any other "white" U.S. president? Oh I guess Clinton cared b/c he played the sax, smoked a little weed, has offices in Harlem, chilled with Arsenio Hall and cheated on his wife. Please! Take away the dot-com boom and I really wonder what life would have been like under his administration. I voted for Clinton btw.
Bush isn't my most favorite prez for a number of reasons and this is true. However, Kanye West doesn't represent me nor does he speak what I wanted to say, so I am not going to jump on and agree with him or his approach. If I feel what he said was stupid (Which I do), why would I stand behind him? The congressional Black Caucus didn’t back him and I wonder why? Is it that they are scared (doubt it), smart (highly likely), or quite frankly don't totally agree? Maybe I’m in the minority but Bush wasn't responsible for a hurricane to land on a city, state, and region that were ill prepared in the first place. At the end of the day I believe people have nothing to lose for being truly courageous. Now for being stupid or more politely said, unwise, then that's another story.
The Mailbag:
Hey, man. I loved your response. I'm always open to a dialogue between people with varying points of view. It's apparent that we were talking about two different types of investors, or men. I was speaking of the portfolio manager, who is a person who generally has an unlimited investment horizon and is seeking to maximize profit while minimizing risk and transaction costs through a buy and hold strategy. They seek companies (women) with a good history of earnings and good growth prospects for the future that they can hold onto for life, or at least until the fundamentals of the market change and dictate that they sell. What you seem to be talking about is the financial equivalent of the "playa playa", the trader. The trader is not concerned with how much
the stock of a company will rise over the next 2 years. What the trader wants to know is what the stock of the company is going to do over the next 2 hours, or 2 days, or 2 weeks. If you're a trader, then the potential rewards of dabbling in the international markets are too great to stay out of them for fear of losing your shirt because competing traders can consistently outperform you if you don't put at least a small portion of your capital into the foreign markets. So once again, it comes down to what type of investor you are.
In addition, I never said that an investor shouldn't consider international companies when putting together a portfolio. In fact, I said that there is a place in everyone's portfolio for some international exposure. I even said that international exposure is a great hedge against weakness in the domestic markets, so I agree with your hedge philosophy. What I was arguing against was loading up on foreign companies to the point where THEY were the predominant assets in your portfolio and not the domestic staples. But I think that based on your latest email you agree with me on that and that you also think that the domestic staples should remain the foundation of a portfolio.
I must respectfully disagree with your assertion that "the higher the risk the higher the return" is an incorrect statement. As far as perceived risks and assumed returns are concerned, all investors should recognize that nothing is fully guaranteed; otherwise it wouldn't be an investment. But it is a fact that US T-Bills are less risky than corporate bonds. This is a fact due to the sovereign taxation power of the Federal government and it's ability to print money to meet its obligations. The only thing that will prevent the government from meeting its obligations would be for it to crumble, which most likely would be proceeded a complete collapse of the financial markets. So yes, it is less risky to buy T-Bills than corporate bonds, which is why the government pays a smaller dividend than GM pays on its bonds. US Treasuries are not risk free investments, but there is no "maybe" that they are the safest investment out there. We can take it to the efficient frontier (for all of the true finance geeks) if you'd like. And their ability to be sold while offering such low returns also proves my point. If investors perceived that Treasuries were riskier investments they would either demand a higher dividend or a lower price to purchase them.
Also, in terms of receiving dividends, due to the broad variety of women out there I was speaking in general terms. I realize that there are some Black women who are shady as hell, and I realize that there are some foreign women who are as pure as the driven snow. There are always exceptions. What I was asserting are the facts of the situation. It is a fact that it is not likely that you are as able to do the same level of due diligence on a foreign person that you are on a domestic one. You didn't go to school with her. Your boy doesn't date her sister. Your parents didn't go to the same church as hers. You are limited in the resources you can use in the gathering of information about her. Now, you may still end up with a great woman, but if you do it won't be because you were able to really delve into her past and make an educated decision. And because of that perceived lack of transparency there is an added risk premium to that decision, which in turn either drives down the asking price of the stock, or ratchets up the expected return.
You make a great point in comparing the $100 investment to the $10 one, but I think that you are missing one important thing. You stated that you would want at least 5x the return if you were putting up 10x the amount of money. But I think that expectation would only be fair if you perceived that you were taking on the same level of risk between the two investments. I would argue that the fact that the $100 investment commands such a price is evidence that it has significantly less perceived risk than the $10 one. And that is the point that I was trying to make. So I ask you again, if you can invest $100 in what isperceived to be a less risky investment and still make a better return, then why would you invest $10 in the more risky investment? Whether a person has $10 to invest or $100 doesn't matter. My point is that the $100 investment costs that much for a reason, and that reason must be that either it is less risky or provides a better return than other similar investments that cost less money. In compiling a portfolio it is less risky (not risk-free) to have more of the $100 stocks that provide $20 returns. Use the $10 stocks that have the potential to grow to $20 as an accent to the main holdings of the portfolio, but don't get too happy when you have a good month and start selling the $100 staples and buying the now $20 stocks because they can go back to $5 just as quickly as they went to $20. That's what I'm saying…B. Armond Davis
okay before i say one word, i gotta admit to laughing my ass off at this: Girls with dough buy really nice gifts and I love nice gifts. okay to the point.... none of that shit applies to me because i'm poor. HAH! i already swagger the about non-monetary plusses beside my name. i guess it's good that i'm nowhere near the 6 figga mark. i'd be a total asshole…..Quia Q
U know i am gonna have to educate this novice investor about the international market dynamics...CEO Profound Source That B. Davis is ON POINT! Sorry for the full distribution list blast, but it needed to be done…M Nahdri
Have you really already picked out baby names? You're ridiculous. You know that, right? I love you, but you're ridiculous! T Hinton
Posted by ThatDamnRicSimon at 9:07 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 11, 2005
The Air Up Here, Vol. V - "Get Yours" Edition
Okay, so I was reflecting on some of my writings the other day and it appears that, in the past, I may have been a wee bit judgmental in some of pronouncements. Hey, what can I say? I’m a Virgo. Do you know what a tremendous burden it is being right all of the time? It does have the tendency to make one, well . . . judgmental. However, I will cease to be judgmental anymore (at least on the following topic).
I came to an epiphany a few months ago while driving back from a favorite DC nightspot. While waiting at a red light, an Escalade full of African-American women that rolled-up next to me seemed to object to the ethnicity of my female companion that was riding shotgun. You know how you can just feel someone looking at you? Well, I slowly turned my head and they were all hitting me with the “Look at this trifling-ass Negro” look. I was thinking to myself, “Okay, I know this looks bad. You see me and I got a shirt open, and then there’s the white girl (only half white). But I promise ain’t nobody humping, nobody is humping . . .” Seriously, the event was totally innocent, but I could tell that in their minds I had already been tried, convicted, and sentenced. I could hear the classic line, “With all the black women in D.C. (or Atlanta or Houston or Philly) and you’re selling out.” I’d breakdown the fallacy of that assumption, but it’s not integral to my argument right now. However, what hit me like a ton of bricks the next morning (and no it wasn’t the hangover) was the line from that cheesy NBC PSA with David Schwimmer, “Don’t judge.” As I marinated on those two words for a few hours a whole new philosophy formed within my mind regarding dating. It can be encapsulated in the following two words: “Get Yours!” I know that some of you all just choked on your French fries. Y’all are absolutely shocked and appalled right now. “Isn’t he supposed to be the sensitive one of the group? Isn’t he the one that had readers in tears with his ‘goodbye love’ speech?” Yup, it’s the same one. But I want you to hear me out before you start getting disappointed.
Throughout the years, no one has come down harder on the ladies for running after the “thug life” fools at the expense of the “nice guys” than me. However the more I pondered the situation, the more I realized that my logic was flawed. As a former marketing major, this should have been immediately apparent to me, but back then I let my emotions get in the way. One of the basic tenets of marketing is to give the people what they want (or at least construct a favorable marketing environment activating internal stimuli to create a need for what you are peddling, but I’m not giving a lecture here). If the needs of the consumer go unfulfilled or the buyer makes a “substitution” that appears to satisfy their need but later finds that it is not up to specifications, then the dreaded “cognitive dissonance” sets in. This is more commonly known as “buyer’s remorse.”
To extrapolate this concept to the dating world, if a woman is in the market for “thug life,” but decides to opt for the nice guy, then that relationship is setup for failure. Why? Because no matter how nicely she is treated by that gentleman, in the back of her mind what she really desires is a thug. She doesn’t want a cat that is going to cuddle up next to her during that period of post coital splendor. She wants that dude that is going to get up and do the “beat it up right” dance, while telling her to clean up the living room and get in the kitchen and make some tacos. Therefore, absent a thug, she is not being completely fulfilled in the relationship. Conversely, the “nice guy” is also the getting the short end of the stick. Although she may be the sunshine of his life, there is no way that she is giving the relationship maximum effort (no matter how many protestations to the contrary), because she really wants someone else. Contentment may reign supreme for a moment, but eventually he will realize that her level of commitment is not equal and disillusionment will ensue.
So ladies, if thug life is what you want, what you need (what cha want, what cha need); then go out and get you a fresh out of jail, wifebeater-wearing, dope slanging, pants sagging, roughneck, 50-Cent clone. However (AND THIS IS KEY) when you do, don’t start complaining when that cat doesn’t want to get a job, wants to lay up in your crib eating Cap’n Crunch and playing X-BOX, and looks at you all crazy when you ask him where he’s going, whom he’s going with, and what time he’s going be home. Just shut it up. Oh, and as a loyal reader asked me to put in this section, don’t start calling your friends at all times of day and night complaining about what’s going on, when they told you not to get with that dude in the first place. Trust me; they don’t want to hear it. Keep those lips pressed real tight together because, after all, this is what you wanted.
But don’t just think I’m talking to the ladies; fellas, I’ve got something for you too. I hear the ladies talking about how the brothers only want the video girls with the stripper bodies. Or they only want the light-skinned girls with long hair; regular girls need not apply (I’ll put special emphasis on that topic later). Ladies, they are doing you a favor. If he got with you, a “regular” girl, he wouldn’t be happy. Why? Because every time you all went out he’d be checking out the Amerie-looking girls (my favorites) or thinking about the girls with big ghetto onions (also my favorites). In fact, you could probably say that my favorites would be the Amerie-looking girls with the big ghetto onions (I see you getting ready to push the DELETE button right now, but don’t do it). He wouldn’t be fulfilled, because you “regular girl,” are not what he really wants. Conversely, you would not be fulfilled either, because he would not be giving 100 percent to the relationship and putting you on the pedestal that you so rightly deserve.
So guys, if want to, go ahead and get your own version of Karine Steffans (better known as “Superhead” to most) with a posterior so phat that you could serve a three-course meal off of it. However, don’t start complaining when she starts yapping about why you haven’t given her any money to go shopping with or fixed her weave, why y’all aren’t eating at Tavern on the Green every night, why y’all aren’t taking any trips to the Turks & Caicos, why you’re not tippin’ on four 4’s, and why she absolutely must go the club tonight because Young Jeezy might be there. Yup, when you start hearing this, players, do like the The Roots and don’t say nothing; because you got exactly what you asked for. Oh and I almost forgot the fact that you better start putting in some serious time in the gym, get yourself looking all Ginsu 2000, and develop an affinity for red meat; because I can “gua-ron-tee,” like the late Justin Wilson, that there will be plenty of beef from some fool trying to test just how hard you are (and many times it may be your woman who initiated the conversation in the first place).
The moral of the story is the classic, but still so true, “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it in heaps / You try to give it back / And God’s like, ‘Nah, that’s yours to keep.’”
--AIR © 2005
Posted by AIR at 4:58 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
That Ain't Right . . .
For those sports fanatics out there, one question that has been circling around the media lately regards the 10-year contract extension given to Notre Dame head coach Charlie Weis. That question, of course, is "Why was Weis given an extension, while Willingham was not?"
Jason Whitlock of The Kansas City Star cogently answers the question in an article written for ESPN.com's Page 2.
"Because only in the land of apple pie, baseball and hypocrisy would a major sports organization have the audacity to give a white football coach a record contract for winning five of his first seven games just a few months after prematurely firing a black coach who won his first eight."
To read the rest of the article check out "Why Weis, but not Willingham?"
Posted by AIR at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 24, 2005
AIR's Albums of the Week
I'll keep this short and simple. This is one of my favorite albums currently in rotation. They make tremendous strides from the first album as far as lyrical content and production (and I loved the first album). Go and cop this album right now.
And while you are at it, why don't you pick up their first album. It's that fire too.
Posted by AIR at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Big Box Mart
The guys at Jib Jab take on Walmart, Target and outsourcing. Hilarious, but all too true. Check it out here.
Posted by AIR at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 17, 2005
B. Holcomb & The Greatest Hits Album
Before I get into the quiz boys and girls, I gotta get something off my mind.
Imagine (for those of you that appreciate quality music), that your favorite artist has been on a hiatus from their last album that has lasted what seems longer than the Chicago Cubs' last appearance in the World Series. Suddenly, your friend sends you an e-mail with an embedded link, with the subject line "thought you'd find this interesting" You open the link to an article, and it unvails that (Insert fav artist here) is dropping a new album. You rejoice...only to read further that the album will be a greatest hits album...
If you don't know by now, after many months of speculation, my favorite group (The Roots) has signed w/ President Carter and the Def Jam label. Initially I was pleased w/ this accomplishment as I still believe after 15 years in the game, the Roots still don't get their props. You can imagine my excitement when I learned that the Roots will be dropping 3 albums in the span of 4 months. To my suprise, 2 of those months are greatest hits joints....
Don't get it twisted. Greatest hits complilations serve their purpose. They get the casual fan more involved in the music. I mean hell, I didn't turn into a fan of the Temptations by hearing "Pappa Was a Rolling Stone" one time, and watching the Temptations mini-series on CBS (although I still laugh at the David Ruffin line "AIN'T NOBODY COME TO SEE YOU OTIS"...and the answer is yes, I own the DVD). But I digress...
Greatest Hits Albums (GHAs) are just another hustle by the record company. Contrary to popular belief, the decision to release GHAs comes from the record label and NOT the artist. (Yes, this is why when those of you pick up a GHA, some of the songs on there are wack). More times than not, the GHA will come out w/o the artist even knowing about it! This strategy is an insult to not only the artist, but the true fans of the artist as well. Because when you release a GHA, your only demographic becomes people who say "Yo, I've been sleeping on this (artist) for years man...now's my chance to get back in the game." So hey, maybe there is hope for Yazarah, Little Brother & Ralphael Saadiq's solo career...
...that is unless you prefer to download all your music, which is also killing "True music", but that's another topic...on to the quiz!
Bringing you more heat from his hands than Liu Kang,
B. Holcomb
P.S. The Roots' 7th album entitled Game Theory is scheduled to arrive in stores sometime in Feb 06
P.P.S., Yes I know the Roots' last album came out on July 2004. And no I'm not an advocate of the artist that "drops an album once a year for my fan's sake" as Ludacris once spoke.
Posted by B. Holcomb at 9:53 AM 0 comments
The Hip Hop Knowledge Base
Once again it's on...
1. Name the former BET Rap City host who referred to his/herself as "The Hip Hop Informer"
2. Name the group who sings back up in the song "Doggy Dogg World" by Snoop Dogg
3. 2Pac used to be a backup dancer for Digital Underground...only to later branch out on his own and his now listed on some people's lists as the GOAT
Name the old school group who used to serve as backup dancers for Whodini?
4. Who has the last verse in the 3rd Bass classic "Gas Face"
5. Name the mixtape DJ who refers to himself as "The Drama King"
6. Name the member of Puffy's "Da Band" who was from Miami.
7. Name the movie in which Hype Williams made his directorial debut that starred DMX & Nas.
8. Speaking of Nas, whose line did he sample to use as a hook in his 2004 hit "Thief's Theme"?
9. We're @ bar just hangin' out, and I'm describing somebody whose "wrists are frozen". What is the observation I've just made out this person. (There are two possible answers and I'll accept both).
10. Which of the following artist(s) were not in Biggie's "One More Chance Video"?
a) Brownstone
b) Craig Mack
c) Changing Faces
d) D-Nice
e) Zhane
f) Luke
g) Faith
3 point bonus: In the "One More Chance" video, why was Heavy D at the door? (Hint: think "Self Destruction)
(answers are now published in the comments section)
Still hoping that Sony won't charge ppl four bills for the PS3...
B. Holcomb
Posted by B. Holcomb at 9:14 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Ethnic Cleansing American Style
The Nation has a great piece regarding the rebuilding of New Orleans that provides additional illumination on some of the comments that have been in the press lately about New Orleans never again being a majority black city. Seeing some of the designs that community leaders have in mind this appears to be gentrification on steroids. From the article:
I don't have the heart to tell Nyler that I suspect she is on to something; that many of the African-American workers from her neighborhood may never be welcomed back to rebuild their city. An hour earlier I had interviewed New Orleans' top corporate lobbyist, Mark Drennen. As president and CEO of Greater New Orleans Inc., Drennen was in an expansive mood, pumped up by signs from Washington that the corporations he represents--everything from Chevron to Liberty Bank to Coca-Cola--were about to receive a package of tax breaks, subsidies and relaxed regulations so generous it would make the job of a lobbyist virtually obsolete.
Listening to Drennen enthuse about the opportunities opened up by the storm, I was struck by his reference to African-Americans in New Orleans as "the minority community." At 67 percent of the population, they are in fact the clear majority, while whites like Drennen make up just 27 percent. It was no doubt a simple verbal slip, but I couldn't help feeling that it was also a glimpse into the desired demographics of the new-and-improved city being imagined by its white elite, one that won't have much room for Nyler or her neighbors who know how to fix houses. "I honestly don't know and I don't think anyone knows how they are going to fit in," Drennen said of the city's unemployed.
New Orleans is already displaying signs of a demographic shift so dramatic that some evacuees describe it as "ethnic cleansing." Before Mayor Ray Nagin called for a second evacuation, the people streaming back into dry areas were mostly white, while those with no homes to return to are overwhelmingly black. This, we are assured, is not a conspiracy; it's simple geography--a reflection of the fact that wealth in New Orleans buys altitude. That means that the driest areas are the whitest (the French Quarter is 90 percent white; the Garden District, 89 percent; Audubon, 86 percent; neighboring Jefferson Parish, where people were also allowed to return, 65 percent). Some dry areas, like Algiers, did have large low-income African-American populations before the storm, but in all the billions for reconstruction, there is no budget for transportation back from the far-flung shelters where those residents ended up. So even when resettlement is permitted, many may not be able to return.
Yeah, for folks like Mr. Drennen, it appears that New Orleans will only be alright if it's all white. To read the rest of the article click over to "Purging the Poor."
Posted by AIR at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 08, 2005
The HipHop Knowledge Base
Sorry boys and girls...the month of August has just been hectic for me! But before we get into this editon of "the quiz", be prayerful for those victims of Hurricane Katrina ; specifically those who have been separated from their family. I'm not G.W. Bush, but I am going to ask that everyone says a prayer to whomever you believe is the creator of all things possible, for a safe return for the families and victims.
Okay, without further adue, let's get into this:
1. Ras Kas is from __________.
2. Who is K-1 Mil? (there are two possible answers for this, and I'll accept both
3. The trio Naughty by Nature consisted of Treach, Vin Rock and ____
4. Hip Hop Word Association (1 pt each)
a)The Boyz are to Heavy D; as __________ is to Kwame (And I'm not accepting "polka dots" or "Jodeci" as answers)
b)Washington is to Sir-Mix-A-Lot as Wisconsin is to _________
5. Why is Pimp C currently in jail?
6. Jay-Z's 40/40 club in Manhattan is named after what baseball statistic(s)?
7. Name the member of "The Squadron" who was made famous for incorporating the act of "spelling" while he rhymed? (HINT: The Squadron is a fusion b/w the groups "The Hit Squad" and "The Def Squad"
8. Hip Hop Word Assocation (part deux---1 pt each)
a) Run DMC are to shell toe Addidas; as Ghostface Killah is to ________
b) Foxxy Brown is to the Firm; as _____ is to the Juice Crew
9. Who said the following:
"It's been stated/ reducated/ evaluated/ laws of the past have faded/ the only thing left are the memories/ of our related/ and our hated/ when/ someone dies and gets all hurt up/ by a silly gold chain little chump"
10. Who or what is P$C? (not to be confused with PSK)
Again, please keep the victims of Hurricane Katrina in your prayers
(Answers are now posted in the comments section)
A Celebrity on the brink of insanity,
B. Holcomb

Posted by B. Holcomb at 12:39 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 04, 2005
A Call for Help
I, like another member of this blog, am from the Gulf Coast. Seeing the images of destruction on television still has not completely sunk in. It's like watching a seen from one of those disaster movies, but this time it is all too real and this time it hits all too close to home. As I observed the reports from this past week and the ones that I am sure to come; I cannot fully reconcile that this is the place that I grew up in, where I played, where I went to school, where I first fell in love. It is the place that I carry with me in my heart no matter where my travels lead me. It is the place that will forever be home.
Watching the utter destruction of Hurricane Katrina, followed by the dereliction of duty of the federal government to help those who could least help themselves has been especially painful. But I’m not here to critique the government, I'll have plenty of time to do that later. I'm here to ask for your prayers and to plead for your help. Not for my family or for me, as we are all safe and away from harm. No, I’m here on behalf of all of the people that didn't have the means to escape, the ones that do not have families in states far away to take them in; basically, I'm asking each of you to help all of those that were left behind.
Please go to www.redcross.org or call 1-800-HELP-NOW to find out ways that you can make a difference. If you cannot make a donation to the Red Cross, then get involved with your local church group or civic organization that may be putting together an assistance campaign. Anything that you can do would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Posted by AIR at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 05, 2005
What Up FAM, what up Folk. It’s Ya Boy and I’m coming at you one mo gin with a big wassup! So it’s Thursday afternoon around 3:30pm on August 4th and I actually have a little time to spit some of that hot fire. I know some of you are upset with me b/c of the lack of consistency with respect to the distribution of TDRS, but as we used to say back in 1989… ”SHO HATE IT”!
So what’s going to be that hot fire this week you ask? Some of you are waiting for the “portfolio theory” edition and I promise that is coming soon. However, given the diversity of readers, I thought it was best to save some of the corporate finance theory for a later date. Speaking of, please, please check out the mailbag that’s included in this edition b/c my man B. Armond spit some of that hot fire in his reply to the TDRS EMH Theory Edition (http://hollaatyaboys.blogspot.com/2005/07/tdrs-efficient-markets-hypothesis.htm). Big Ups to B Armond who was a first time reader, yet spit that fire back like he’s been down with da fellas since we started writing these rants about nothing. While we are on first time readers, I’d like to send a big shout out to Kisha (aka the “exclusive one”), Ran (who was ticked that the site wasn’t updated…..sho hate it), Venetta R (one of only two people I actually care for from Hampton…..shout out to G. Lewis, happy future b day if you are reading) and to any new reader who this edition was forwarded to.
Okay now that we got the housekeeping out the way, let’s be like Hammer and “Get it started”. So this morning I was driving in to work and decided for once to actually listen to Atlanta FM radio, specifically V-103. I really enjoy talk radio b/c it’s fresh and there is always something to talk about and learn versus listening to the same tired ole Ludacris, Jermain Dupri, Ciara, Usher songs every morning. For whatever reason though I decided to switch from sports talk radio on 790theZone this morning to listen to the Frank Ski and Wanda show.
I caught the tail end of the show but the topic was “Black Women making more money than Black Men”. What a great topic eh? I mean I am very curious and you know ya boy wants to dive deeper into this subject matter. Before breaking it down, I have got to send a shout out to Frank Ski for “keeping it real” towards the end of the show. Frank Ski basically said that black women are conditioned from birth to grow up independent and to get their ish together, which they do and I personally am very proud of them for that. The clincher is that when they do grow up and get that great career (job), they gain an attitude, a swagger, a strong sense of confidence or better yet entitilement and THAT is the issue, the attititude and not the fact that she makes more money than her man. Oh I can hear my educated ladies shifting in their chairs right now and the brothas eagerly awaiting that FIRE! Keep reading…..
I Aint Heard a That
“Change your whole attitude It's time to take off your cool If it make you wanna move, then move My niggaz get up on it, live bitches throw it back Ma, act like you want it I know you heard of that!! “……Slim Thug
I mean I am sick and tired of the bro’s having to fess up to everything gone wrong in the black community. It’s time for some “black” women (and I said some) to finally fess up and agree with the world that they have ATTITUDE problems and maybe, just maybe “ish” will change. I mean you can’t have it both ways…..you know the whole being a “STRONG BLACK WOMAN, but wanting to be treated like a princess. Something has got to give. I mean since the ladies are soo independent these days, TDRS says don’t get upset when a brotha:
Doesn’t open the door for you. I mean really, why are we opening the door for you and why do you care? I mean fellas used to ride the mules and the women walked in the B.C. days, so you can’t tell me this is some sort of religious thing. Basically some dude started doing it b/c he thought it was the right thing to do and now its become law or something. It’s one thing to get the door opened for you and you say thank you b/c the guy went out of his way to do something nice for you. It’s quite another thing to expect a guy to do it and to be pissed if and when he doesn’t. Stop the damn madness. Just because you are woman doesn’t entitle you to be treated like a queen. Now if you’re MY woman and I adore you then yes you SHOULD and WILL get that treatment! That’s all I’m saying. Some of ya’ll need a door slammed in your face because you are straight up trifling. I know pretty much every gal on the distro list and outside of the fact that anyone of you would GET IT; you all should get a door opened for you.
Doesn’t treat you like an equal. Not to belabor the issue but if a man is conditioned to treat you like a lady (i.e. opening the door and all that other stuff) it is nearly impossible for that same man to truly view a woman as an equal. Think about it, what is a “lady”? What is treating her like a lady? If that’s what men are used to, how do you expect them to switch it up when you’re in a business suit. Let me pause here and say this isn’t the only reason why there is inequality between men and women…..I am just saying it is a contributing factor and should be said. TDRS thinks it is f’ckd up and I REALLY do emphathize with women, and even more so for SISTAS! However, I just think people, women and men need to truly acknowledge this and maybe, just maybe, things will change…a bit.
Expects you to go DUTCH! Btw, why aren’t these independent ladies asking brothas out on dates? Don’t give me that chivalry crap, b/c that’s been dead since the 19th amendment. Let me stop. Anyway, all this money being made by these ladies and yet I don’t see them grabbing the checks when the bill comes. You know why? It’s because they think a brotha should pick up that bill and that’s it. I know that paying for dinner shouldn’t entitle a brotha to some ass. However YOU should know that just because he’s the man doesn’t mean he SHOULD pick up the tab. Again I enjoy taking out my woman and paying for dinner with my woman. However, if you are not MY woman then what’s the point? Dutch should be the rule for every date until the relationship is exclusive or moving quickly towards that and that way there would be no confusion. I just really get really tired of hearing the “why do men think they deserve something for buying me dinner or a drink”. Hell they DO deserve something. I’m sorry to bust some bubbles but aint nothing free in this world, so please stop trippin! Pay or play your position, that’s all I’m saying.
Doesn’t take the 45’s off the bench press machine b/c you are next (I should be shot for that one huh?). Those ladies who haven’t even seen the inside of gym wouldn’t understand this and I’m sorry for you. Btw, I do take the 45’s off no matter whose next b/c there are some brothas (very few) out there who can’t push up the weight…and that is sad!
Playa versus PIMP:
“If a hoe wanna holler then you a playa if you hit them ends
and get the dividends
But you a pimp if you can get the same hoe to wanna freak your
Cause I studied P-I, M-P, ology, but logically
Be learnin these hoes biology, obviously, well”...
……..There are so many “lost” women here in this country and that is just baffling. Do they REALLY think brothas have a problem with them making some of that cash money? Just in case these ladies actually have a case, then I feel the need to educate and single handidly attack this problem.
Please bear with me, but I think that all these women (aka “powder puffs”) want are brothas to accept the fact that they are paid right? I mean I just want to make sure that the ladies aren’t upset that there aren’t any brothas out there that are making money, because we all know that this isn’t true, right? Basically the scenario is that there are two people that are making money and it just so happens that the woman makes more. Because of their higher salary, they feel we (the bruhs) have a problem with that. Now that we are clear on the REAL issue, let’s spit some more of that hot fire……
At the end of the day what these “powder puffs” really want is a PIMP, not a Playa and that’s the bottom line, because I SAID SO. I mean think about it. They want to be able to make money without their man trippin right? That’s not a problem for a true PIMP. I mean if she is out there making that money by sitting at a desk and typing on a computer versus waving down Cadillacs on Ponce De Leon, then fellas we should let them do that. In fact, we should insist they go and do that. That’s what the powder puffs want right? They’re okay making the money, they just want someone not to trip.
I mean when you really break it down, these women don’t want to be independent, they want to be totally and utterly DEPENDENT and that is my opinion, which I’ll bet my Westin heavenly bed (useless plug I know but I can’t wait to sleep in it) that my opinion is shared be many others. I mean these powderpuffs don’t want to be on the “track” anymore. They want to be “in charge”, the bottom biatch. I mean I’m just calling em how I see them.
Before you college educated, $100K making ladies start writing in upset, please know that I am not talking about all of you. Some of you are the bomb and all you want is an equal or someone who can keep you grinding. I aint mad at you and if you are making $100K, please shoot me your number b/c I got some PIMP’s, I mean friends.
Now let me just say that I would love to and will one day be A PIMP. I want my girl to make as much as she can and if that is more than me, then that’s great. Girls with dough buy really nice gifts and I love nice gifts. However, I do want my girl to know that she has someone to lean on if ish happens and that is the key. Let’s together stack some chips and lean on those chips if there are hard times or better yet good times, like raising my Madison Brooke and Mehki Nicholas Simon. Yeah I said it…..TDRS dreams of retiring from the PIMP game one day.
dude! masterful!...the trip to rio was a success then right! one thing tho...i am concerned with u and this dime thing.. little do u know u are having such a volume of negative commentary because u are starting to think like a female..i'm sorry, i grasp the whole "i am a winner & i don't settle" thing however, u are missin the point...african american females are so miserable and prone to nonsense because mostly everything they stand for is wrong..why do u think they outnumber us in church like 4 to 1. everything they pursue everyday actually goes against they're "so called religion". I like to refer to them as the closest thing to a white man without actually being one. So 6s and 7s arent actually tryin to come off as dimes she just mad because the tall cute brother with the car treated her like she treated the nice average height brother who actually had personality and principles and doesn't have to cosmetically treat himself with a ride. Fate does have a sense of humor...u are looking for the classic needle in the haystack...most dimes are idiots...the cuter the more clueless..but at least she ain't hard on the eyes right...
send them to my new music site
it ya boi kinetic ken ramblin again..
Okay - I truly want to support the TDRS/Holla blog movement... BUT YOU GOTTA UPDATE THE SITE MORE OFTEN!!!!!!!!!
It seems like the more I read, the more I find myself shaking my head in agreement ("yes, yes, yes. too true").
i have indeed found an undervalued asset, myself. many cats would overlook her. in fact it was a brotha i went to school with who introduced us. he was sittin on a pot 'a gold and didn't know it! i won't give details as to why i say this, but given your e-tales, i suspect you may already know.
however, i must say that i think markets tend TOWARD efficiency. i think the only way to beat the market is to find a new way of looking at, a new way of investing, i.e., you have to change the game. if you do the same isht eveyone else has done since the beginning, you will end up flat as the bell curve shows. this is why hedge funds, structured vehicles, etc can "beat" the market. most people don't understand them and are always one step behind them.
there are inefficiencies in the market but as markets evolve it becomes harder and harder to find them!
peace and keep the knowledge comin……aa chilton
THE EMH REPLY-B DavisWhat up, Ric? It's ya boy B Davis. As a new subscriber to the TDRSemails I hope that I am not remiss for jumping right in feet first, butit just so happens that you have combined my two favorite subjects:investments and women, so I must throw in my ten cents (since we'retalking about dimes), especially as you prepare to espouse on portfoliotheory. As a professional money manager and technical analyst, I have had ampleopportunity to test the EMH. I can both agree and disagree with yourassertions in your previous email. While I agree that one shoulddefinitely take the stock of foreign companies (you can substitute theword women for companies) into consideration when compiling yourportfolio, I don't think that it's a slam dunk that there is more valuein a foreign company. I agree that generally speaking you will pay alower price for stock in a foreign company, but I think that one musttake into consideration what allows those companies to sell at cheaperprices. I think that the first and most predominant factor is risk.Sure, you can go to Brazil and find a dime piece and add her to yourportfolio, but what is the risk that goes along with that decision? Ifshe lives in Brazil, how often will she be able to pay you her dividend?How much will it cost you to get access to her financial statementsevery time you want to meet with her? How do you know that she isn't awidely held stock? Can you really do the proper due diligence on herpast activities before you make your buy or sell decision? These arejust a few of the many questions that have to be asked before you shoulddecide whether or not to add a stock to your portfolio. Another factoris the quality of earnings. Unless you're dealing with a big time,multinational company (substitute woman for company again), i.e. AnnaKornikova or Salma Hayek, smaller foreign companies usually pay theirdividends in the local currency. You have to take the exchange rateinto account when deciding whether or not to add these stocks to yourportfolio. So if you add a Brazilian chick to your portfolio and shepays you your dividends in Brazilian currency then as an Americancompany you have to adjust your earnings to dollars for your financialreporting needs. Yes, your American dollars will go a lot further inmost foreign countries than they do here, but you must be careful thatthe dividend that you receive is more attractive in an apple to applecomparison. Which would you rather do, spend $10 and earn $1 back orspend $100 and earn $20? Now let's talk about portfolio management. The most popular measurementtool in the portfolio management arena is the price to earnings ratio.The PE ratio is the price that an investor pays for every dollar ofearnings that a company makes. If you extrapolate that out to dating,then a woman's PE ratio is the amount of work and effort that a man hasto put in divided by the amount of earnings she provides for him.Generally, there are two styles of stocks (now you can substitute womanfor stock) Value and Growth. Different investors (substitute men forinvestors) are attracted to different styles of stocks. A Value stockwould be the "diamond in the rough" that you spoke of so eloquently inthe EMH email. The objective of the Value investor is to identifystocks who for whatever reason are not achieving their full potential interms of price appreciation or dividend payments. These are your 6 and7s with 9 and 10 potential. A Growth stock typically has a higher PEratio than a Value stock. These are your celebrities, models, athletes,and other general divas. The amount of BS that an investor wouldusually have to go through to put one of these stocks in his portfoliois much greater than what he would typically have to pay for a Valuestock, but some investors will pay it because of the perception that therewards of being with a celebrity or model are greater. History hasshown that in actuality the performance of value and growth stocks overtime is about even, with a slight edge to value. So it's really aboutwhat type of investor a person is that determines the types of stocksthat should be held in the portfolio. A fellow money manger, the great Terrance Davis, said that "people buystock in anticipation of the ability of that company to pay a dividendin the future." That is the exact reason that people date. Whencompiling a portfolio of stocks, an investor should be conscious of manyfactors that influence the performance of the portfolio. He should havea little international exposure as a hedge against domesticunderperformance. But in my opinion, the foundation of any investor'sportfolio should be the Black woman. They are the Procter and Gambles,GEs, and Pfizers of women. They offer diverse product lines, theirproducts are familiar, they pay consistent dividends, and mostimportantly, they have the best quality of earnings. Think about it.Where do you see all of the money flow when the market goes intorecession? It goes into sectors like Health Care and Consumer Staplesbecause no matter what happens, you still have to buy toothpaste, toiletpaper, and medicine. That IS the Black woman. She may not run up toover $300 like the Google girls during the bull market, but she's rightthere providing her investors with solid returns. Her real value iswhen the s**t hits the fan and all of the Google girls have fallen backto earth, and there your P&G is, still earning solid returns for you.You try leaning on your Brazilian dime piece who barely speaks Englishwhen a partner at your firm told a racist joke at a client dinner andyou were the only person of color there and you HAD to laugh just to fitin and see if she can really FEEL your pain. You try explaining to yourAsian dime piece why we still need Affirmative Action and see if shereally looks you in the eye and connects with you on an experientiallevel or if she's just nodding her head while trying not to nod off.THAT is why the Black woman will always be the staple of my portfolio.Sure, she usually carries a higher PE than her internationalcompetitors, but her dividends are much greater if you can hang on andnot get shaken out of your investment during a rough patch. So all ofthe playa playas out there need to check on their portfolios and makesure that they haven't loaded up on stocks with unproven track recordsbefore there's a correction in the market and their portfolio goes theway of the dot com craze of the 90s. Like I said, that's just my ten cents. I didn't send this to the group,so you can incorporate it into your email on portfolio theory next weekif you so choose. If you want you can send my entire email to the grouplike you did your friend's mother. I just wanted to offer acounterpoint to what I perceive as an international fever that has beengoing through the Black community for sometime (especially since P Diddystarted f**king J Lo) and that every man who I know who has come backfrom a foreign country recently seems to have caught while over there.And you saw who was there for P Diddy during the trial, didn't you? TheBlack woman who he had dissed to get with J Lo. Just my thoughts...Havea great day!! I just reread this email and realized how long it is. Imust REALLY be bored at work today!!
Posted by ThatDamnRicSimon at 1:57 PM 2 comments