What Up FAM, what up Folk. It’s Ya Boy and I’m coming at you one mo gin with a big wassup! So it’s Thursday afternoon around 3:30pm on August 4th and I actually have a little time to spit some of that hot fire. I know some of you are upset with me b/c of the lack of consistency with respect to the distribution of TDRS, but as we used to say back in 1989… ”SHO HATE IT”!
So what’s going to be that hot fire this week you ask? Some of you are waiting for the “portfolio theory” edition and I promise that is coming soon. However, given the diversity of readers, I thought it was best to save some of the corporate finance theory for a later date. Speaking of, please, please check out the mailbag that’s included in this edition b/c my man B. Armond spit some of that hot fire in his reply to the TDRS EMH Theory Edition (http://hollaatyaboys.blogspot.com/2005/07/tdrs-efficient-markets-hypothesis.htm). Big Ups to B Armond who was a first time reader, yet spit that fire back like he’s been down with da fellas since we started writing these rants about nothing. While we are on first time readers, I’d like to send a big shout out to Kisha (aka the “exclusive one”), Ran (who was ticked that the site wasn’t updated…..sho hate it), Venetta R (one of only two people I actually care for from Hampton…..shout out to G. Lewis, happy future b day if you are reading) and to any new reader who this edition was forwarded to.
Okay now that we got the housekeeping out the way, let’s be like Hammer and “Get it started”. So this morning I was driving in to work and decided for once to actually listen to Atlanta FM radio, specifically V-103. I really enjoy talk radio b/c it’s fresh and there is always something to talk about and learn versus listening to the same tired ole Ludacris, Jermain Dupri, Ciara, Usher songs every morning. For whatever reason though I decided to switch from sports talk radio on 790theZone this morning to listen to the Frank Ski and Wanda show.
I caught the tail end of the show but the topic was “Black Women making more money than Black Men”. What a great topic eh? I mean I am very curious and you know ya boy wants to dive deeper into this subject matter. Before breaking it down, I have got to send a shout out to Frank Ski for “keeping it real” towards the end of the show. Frank Ski basically said that black women are conditioned from birth to grow up independent and to get their ish together, which they do and I personally am very proud of them for that. The clincher is that when they do grow up and get that great career (job), they gain an attitude, a swagger, a strong sense of confidence or better yet entitilement and THAT is the issue, the attititude and not the fact that she makes more money than her man. Oh I can hear my educated ladies shifting in their chairs right now and the brothas eagerly awaiting that FIRE! Keep reading…..
I Aint Heard a That
“Change your whole attitude It's time to take off your cool If it make you wanna move, then move My niggaz get up on it, live bitches throw it back Ma, act like you want it I know you heard of that!! “……Slim Thug
I mean I am sick and tired of the bro’s having to fess up to everything gone wrong in the black community. It’s time for some “black” women (and I said some) to finally fess up and agree with the world that they have ATTITUDE problems and maybe, just maybe “ish” will change. I mean you can’t have it both ways…..you know the whole being a “STRONG BLACK WOMAN, but wanting to be treated like a princess. Something has got to give. I mean since the ladies are soo independent these days, TDRS says don’t get upset when a brotha:
Doesn’t open the door for you. I mean really, why are we opening the door for you and why do you care? I mean fellas used to ride the mules and the women walked in the B.C. days, so you can’t tell me this is some sort of religious thing. Basically some dude started doing it b/c he thought it was the right thing to do and now its become law or something. It’s one thing to get the door opened for you and you say thank you b/c the guy went out of his way to do something nice for you. It’s quite another thing to expect a guy to do it and to be pissed if and when he doesn’t. Stop the damn madness. Just because you are woman doesn’t entitle you to be treated like a queen. Now if you’re MY woman and I adore you then yes you SHOULD and WILL get that treatment! That’s all I’m saying. Some of ya’ll need a door slammed in your face because you are straight up trifling. I know pretty much every gal on the distro list and outside of the fact that anyone of you would GET IT; you all should get a door opened for you.
Doesn’t treat you like an equal. Not to belabor the issue but if a man is conditioned to treat you like a lady (i.e. opening the door and all that other stuff) it is nearly impossible for that same man to truly view a woman as an equal. Think about it, what is a “lady”? What is treating her like a lady? If that’s what men are used to, how do you expect them to switch it up when you’re in a business suit. Let me pause here and say this isn’t the only reason why there is inequality between men and women…..I am just saying it is a contributing factor and should be said. TDRS thinks it is f’ckd up and I REALLY do emphathize with women, and even more so for SISTAS! However, I just think people, women and men need to truly acknowledge this and maybe, just maybe, things will change…a bit.
Expects you to go DUTCH! Btw, why aren’t these independent ladies asking brothas out on dates? Don’t give me that chivalry crap, b/c that’s been dead since the 19th amendment. Let me stop. Anyway, all this money being made by these ladies and yet I don’t see them grabbing the checks when the bill comes. You know why? It’s because they think a brotha should pick up that bill and that’s it. I know that paying for dinner shouldn’t entitle a brotha to some ass. However YOU should know that just because he’s the man doesn’t mean he SHOULD pick up the tab. Again I enjoy taking out my woman and paying for dinner with my woman. However, if you are not MY woman then what’s the point? Dutch should be the rule for every date until the relationship is exclusive or moving quickly towards that and that way there would be no confusion. I just really get really tired of hearing the “why do men think they deserve something for buying me dinner or a drink”. Hell they DO deserve something. I’m sorry to bust some bubbles but aint nothing free in this world, so please stop trippin! Pay or play your position, that’s all I’m saying.
Doesn’t take the 45’s off the bench press machine b/c you are next (I should be shot for that one huh?). Those ladies who haven’t even seen the inside of gym wouldn’t understand this and I’m sorry for you. Btw, I do take the 45’s off no matter whose next b/c there are some brothas (very few) out there who can’t push up the weight…and that is sad!
Playa versus PIMP:
“If a hoe wanna holler then you a playa if you hit them ends
and get the dividends
But you a pimp if you can get the same hoe to wanna freak your
Cause I studied P-I, M-P, ology, but logically
Be learnin these hoes biology, obviously, well”...
……..There are so many “lost” women here in this country and that is just baffling. Do they REALLY think brothas have a problem with them making some of that cash money? Just in case these ladies actually have a case, then I feel the need to educate and single handidly attack this problem.
Please bear with me, but I think that all these women (aka “powder puffs”) want are brothas to accept the fact that they are paid right? I mean I just want to make sure that the ladies aren’t upset that there aren’t any brothas out there that are making money, because we all know that this isn’t true, right? Basically the scenario is that there are two people that are making money and it just so happens that the woman makes more. Because of their higher salary, they feel we (the bruhs) have a problem with that. Now that we are clear on the REAL issue, let’s spit some more of that hot fire……
At the end of the day what these “powder puffs” really want is a PIMP, not a Playa and that’s the bottom line, because I SAID SO. I mean think about it. They want to be able to make money without their man trippin right? That’s not a problem for a true PIMP. I mean if she is out there making that money by sitting at a desk and typing on a computer versus waving down Cadillacs on Ponce De Leon, then fellas we should let them do that. In fact, we should insist they go and do that. That’s what the powder puffs want right? They’re okay making the money, they just want someone not to trip.
I mean when you really break it down, these women don’t want to be independent, they want to be totally and utterly DEPENDENT and that is my opinion, which I’ll bet my Westin heavenly bed (useless plug I know but I can’t wait to sleep in it) that my opinion is shared be many others. I mean these powderpuffs don’t want to be on the “track” anymore. They want to be “in charge”, the bottom biatch. I mean I’m just calling em how I see them.
Before you college educated, $100K making ladies start writing in upset, please know that I am not talking about all of you. Some of you are the bomb and all you want is an equal or someone who can keep you grinding. I aint mad at you and if you are making $100K, please shoot me your number b/c I got some PIMP’s, I mean friends.
Now let me just say that I would love to and will one day be A PIMP. I want my girl to make as much as she can and if that is more than me, then that’s great. Girls with dough buy really nice gifts and I love nice gifts. However, I do want my girl to know that she has someone to lean on if ish happens and that is the key. Let’s together stack some chips and lean on those chips if there are hard times or better yet good times, like raising my Madison Brooke and Mehki Nicholas Simon. Yeah I said it…..TDRS dreams of retiring from the PIMP game one day.
dude! masterful!...the trip to rio was a success then right! one thing tho...i am concerned with u and this dime thing.. little do u know u are having such a volume of negative commentary because u are starting to think like a female..i'm sorry, i grasp the whole "i am a winner & i don't settle" thing however, u are missin the point...african american females are so miserable and prone to nonsense because mostly everything they stand for is wrong..why do u think they outnumber us in church like 4 to 1. everything they pursue everyday actually goes against they're "so called religion". I like to refer to them as the closest thing to a white man without actually being one. So 6s and 7s arent actually tryin to come off as dimes she just mad because the tall cute brother with the car treated her like she treated the nice average height brother who actually had personality and principles and doesn't have to cosmetically treat himself with a ride. Fate does have a sense of humor...u are looking for the classic needle in the haystack...most dimes are idiots...the cuter the more clueless..but at least she ain't hard on the eyes right...
send them to my new music site
it ya boi kinetic ken ramblin again..
Okay - I truly want to support the TDRS/Holla blog movement... BUT YOU GOTTA UPDATE THE SITE MORE OFTEN!!!!!!!!!
It seems like the more I read, the more I find myself shaking my head in agreement ("yes, yes, yes. too true").
i have indeed found an undervalued asset, myself. many cats would overlook her. in fact it was a brotha i went to school with who introduced us. he was sittin on a pot 'a gold and didn't know it! i won't give details as to why i say this, but given your e-tales, i suspect you may already know.
however, i must say that i think markets tend TOWARD efficiency. i think the only way to beat the market is to find a new way of looking at, a new way of investing, i.e., you have to change the game. if you do the same isht eveyone else has done since the beginning, you will end up flat as the bell curve shows. this is why hedge funds, structured vehicles, etc can "beat" the market. most people don't understand them and are always one step behind them.
there are inefficiencies in the market but as markets evolve it becomes harder and harder to find them!
peace and keep the knowledge comin……aa chilton
THE EMH REPLY-B DavisWhat up, Ric? It's ya boy B Davis. As a new subscriber to the TDRSemails I hope that I am not remiss for jumping right in feet first, butit just so happens that you have combined my two favorite subjects:investments and women, so I must throw in my ten cents (since we'retalking about dimes), especially as you prepare to espouse on portfoliotheory. As a professional money manager and technical analyst, I have had ampleopportunity to test the EMH. I can both agree and disagree with yourassertions in your previous email. While I agree that one shoulddefinitely take the stock of foreign companies (you can substitute theword women for companies) into consideration when compiling yourportfolio, I don't think that it's a slam dunk that there is more valuein a foreign company. I agree that generally speaking you will pay alower price for stock in a foreign company, but I think that one musttake into consideration what allows those companies to sell at cheaperprices. I think that the first and most predominant factor is risk.Sure, you can go to Brazil and find a dime piece and add her to yourportfolio, but what is the risk that goes along with that decision? Ifshe lives in Brazil, how often will she be able to pay you her dividend?How much will it cost you to get access to her financial statementsevery time you want to meet with her? How do you know that she isn't awidely held stock? Can you really do the proper due diligence on herpast activities before you make your buy or sell decision? These arejust a few of the many questions that have to be asked before you shoulddecide whether or not to add a stock to your portfolio. Another factoris the quality of earnings. Unless you're dealing with a big time,multinational company (substitute woman for company again), i.e. AnnaKornikova or Salma Hayek, smaller foreign companies usually pay theirdividends in the local currency. You have to take the exchange rateinto account when deciding whether or not to add these stocks to yourportfolio. So if you add a Brazilian chick to your portfolio and shepays you your dividends in Brazilian currency then as an Americancompany you have to adjust your earnings to dollars for your financialreporting needs. Yes, your American dollars will go a lot further inmost foreign countries than they do here, but you must be careful thatthe dividend that you receive is more attractive in an apple to applecomparison. Which would you rather do, spend $10 and earn $1 back orspend $100 and earn $20? Now let's talk about portfolio management. The most popular measurementtool in the portfolio management arena is the price to earnings ratio.The PE ratio is the price that an investor pays for every dollar ofearnings that a company makes. If you extrapolate that out to dating,then a woman's PE ratio is the amount of work and effort that a man hasto put in divided by the amount of earnings she provides for him.Generally, there are two styles of stocks (now you can substitute womanfor stock) Value and Growth. Different investors (substitute men forinvestors) are attracted to different styles of stocks. A Value stockwould be the "diamond in the rough" that you spoke of so eloquently inthe EMH email. The objective of the Value investor is to identifystocks who for whatever reason are not achieving their full potential interms of price appreciation or dividend payments. These are your 6 and7s with 9 and 10 potential. A Growth stock typically has a higher PEratio than a Value stock. These are your celebrities, models, athletes,and other general divas. The amount of BS that an investor wouldusually have to go through to put one of these stocks in his portfoliois much greater than what he would typically have to pay for a Valuestock, but some investors will pay it because of the perception that therewards of being with a celebrity or model are greater. History hasshown that in actuality the performance of value and growth stocks overtime is about even, with a slight edge to value. So it's really aboutwhat type of investor a person is that determines the types of stocksthat should be held in the portfolio. A fellow money manger, the great Terrance Davis, said that "people buystock in anticipation of the ability of that company to pay a dividendin the future." That is the exact reason that people date. Whencompiling a portfolio of stocks, an investor should be conscious of manyfactors that influence the performance of the portfolio. He should havea little international exposure as a hedge against domesticunderperformance. But in my opinion, the foundation of any investor'sportfolio should be the Black woman. They are the Procter and Gambles,GEs, and Pfizers of women. They offer diverse product lines, theirproducts are familiar, they pay consistent dividends, and mostimportantly, they have the best quality of earnings. Think about it.Where do you see all of the money flow when the market goes intorecession? It goes into sectors like Health Care and Consumer Staplesbecause no matter what happens, you still have to buy toothpaste, toiletpaper, and medicine. That IS the Black woman. She may not run up toover $300 like the Google girls during the bull market, but she's rightthere providing her investors with solid returns. Her real value iswhen the s**t hits the fan and all of the Google girls have fallen backto earth, and there your P&G is, still earning solid returns for you.You try leaning on your Brazilian dime piece who barely speaks Englishwhen a partner at your firm told a racist joke at a client dinner andyou were the only person of color there and you HAD to laugh just to fitin and see if she can really FEEL your pain. You try explaining to yourAsian dime piece why we still need Affirmative Action and see if shereally looks you in the eye and connects with you on an experientiallevel or if she's just nodding her head while trying not to nod off.THAT is why the Black woman will always be the staple of my portfolio.Sure, she usually carries a higher PE than her internationalcompetitors, but her dividends are much greater if you can hang on andnot get shaken out of your investment during a rough patch. So all ofthe playa playas out there need to check on their portfolios and makesure that they haven't loaded up on stocks with unproven track recordsbefore there's a correction in the market and their portfolio goes theway of the dot com craze of the 90s. Like I said, that's just my ten cents. I didn't send this to the group,so you can incorporate it into your email on portfolio theory next weekif you so choose. If you want you can send my entire email to the grouplike you did your friend's mother. I just wanted to offer acounterpoint to what I perceive as an international fever that has beengoing through the Black community for sometime (especially since P Diddystarted f**king J Lo) and that every man who I know who has come backfrom a foreign country recently seems to have caught while over there.And you saw who was there for P Diddy during the trial, didn't you? TheBlack woman who he had dissed to get with J Lo. Just my thoughts...Havea great day!! I just reread this email and realized how long it is. Imust REALLY be bored at work today!!
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
1 hour ago
okay before i say one word, i gotta admit to laughing my ass off at this: Girls with dough buy really nice gifts and I love nice gifts.
okay to the point.... none of that shit applies to me because i'm poor. HAH! i already swagger the about non-monetary plusses beside my name. i guess it's good that i'm nowhere near the 6 figga mark. i'd be a total asshole.
damn. can you say dyslexia?
let's make that "i already swagger about the non-monetary plusses beside my name."
evidently blogging while tipsy is NOT one of my plusses. heh.
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