What Up Fam, What Up Folk, it’s YaBoy and I’m telling all the ladies out there to give me dat. Big shout out to the new readers (EjAce and Serendipity, who actually posted a reply on the hollaatyaboys blog site). Yeah summer time is coming and I can’t wait for skirts and skins. Anyway, I was slightly pissed off last week and I must apologize to many of you who wrote in (Jacq and Nicole) to correct a brotha on certain reality television shows. Apparently (i) we won back to back Amazing Races, (ii) American Idol’s Bo Bock is much more talented than Vonzell, (iii) Keenyah didn’t consistently bring her A-Game and deserved to get booted on America’s Top Model and (iv) there have been two Real World’s (“RW”) that featured more than 3 black people (RW NY and Vegas). Btw RW Las Vegas has got to be the best RW of all time. My boy J-Jackson and I have had a crush on Irulan for a minute now.
Yes, TDRS didn’t bring his A-Game last week and I sincerely apologize for my ridiculous rants that were not grounded in facts (they never really are). The only show I should have commented on was Kevin Hill b/c I actually watch the show religiously. I’m still very upset about its cancellation. I mean no more Michael Michelle or Monroe McManus …… Damn, Damn, Damn! Anyway, I’ll stop and post the mailbag comments this week before diving into my thoughts.
The mailbag is sort of long this week, but it is for a reason. My man Mr. Carlos Lawton spit some fire to TDRS and I don’t ever back away from fire so here are his comments:
Alright see now I gotta take the time and actually take the time to respond (only because one of this weeks points caused a rift between me and girl from way back (no names will be mentioned)). You dig those indented parenthesis. I know, but moving on. I was shocked, appalled, angered, hurt and dare I say pissed of man all at the same time by your comments on Vicente Fox. For those that read the latest TDRS but don’t really know what all the hype is about here is the statement that caused the stir.
"There is no doubt that Mexican men and women, full of dignity, drive and a capacity for work, are doing the jobs that not even blacks want to do there, in the United States."
You see me talking directly to your readers so you gotta post this even though it’s probably gonna be too long and not nearly as poignant as your commentaries. Again moving on. I’m sure that this response coming from me will shock anyone that knows me considering the fact that one of my many online pseudonyms is the “the angry black man”, I refer to my Caucasian brethren as crackalacks on a daily basis and for a while was seriously considering starting an online service called Rent-a-Mex that shipped day workers around the country in crates. And to answer the immediate question of “Is he just playing devils advocate?” The answer is no. This is truly how I feel.
Why the hell do we (my black people) get pissed off when someone says something in public that is one the truth and two something we say our damn selves. Bill Cosby comes to mind. Now I’m sure many people out there will contend that his statement wasn’t true and that we have never said anything like this. I’ll address those misguided and jaded individuals in a minute. Others that will say that even if its true he still shouldn’t have said it because he’s in no position to make such statements about the US. Shhhhhit. The hell he isn’t. He’s got just as much right to say it as we do when make judgments and statements about the situations and people in any other countries all around the would. Hell at least what he said was true. Half the time we just make up $hit talking about places we haven’t and probably won’t ever even visit.
To those people who don’t feel what he said was true, I present to you this question. Who did all the jobs that are now being done by Mexicans, back in the day? It was we or rather our grandparents and great grandparents. We worked in unsafe environments for little pay, got mistreated, disrespected and made fun of on a daily basis by our employers for damn near pennies, but we went back day after day after day because we didn’t have many alternatives. Today opportunity abounds, at least for some, so we won’t take a job paying $3 an hour picking fruit, plucking chickens or being the maid at a hotel while people hurl racial slurs at us. Why? Because we either have other options, the jobs are too dangerous or don’t pay enough to make it worth our time, or in some cases we just think the job is beneath us. And I’ll be the first one to tell you some jobs are beneath me. I’m not cleaning anyone’s damn toilet much less for less than minimum wage while they are calling me a nigger, no matter how hard times get. If you would more power to you but I don’t think those that would say yes are few and far between. Say what you will but I’m just not doing it. A Mexican on the other hand will. Wait let me rephrase, some Mexicans will. Please don’t try to take my generalizations and apply them to every person that is a member of each of these races. I’m sure there are black folks that will take the same jobs as the Mexicans. I will however say this, last time I rolled by Home Depot I didn’t see a lot faces like mine waiting to be picked up to go to work. But when headed home I passed at least 3 brothers asking me for money (you might not believe this part but if you’ve ever been to my spot you know it’s……Shouts out to my Summerhill crackhead crew). Raise your hand if you’ve ever been asked to borrow a dollar from a Mexican (Californians don’t’ answer). I’m not saying that is always the case but I am pointing it out just the same.
Now if you don’t think we say the same types of things ourselves I will point to the example of myself again. I’ve been referring to Mexicans as the “niggers of the new millennium” since 2000. And everyone that I’ve made the statement to has had to agree. Yes I know there is huge difference between a nigger and black person but when you talking about looking through the eyes of society that line gets so fine its almost non existent. There was a point in time when someone (white folks and some blacks with money) wanted some work done cheap they went and hired the local "nigger", "african amercan", "negro", "darky", "spook", "jigga boo", "jungle bunny", "tar baby". Call it what you will but it was a black person and too most them they were all the same and to many still are today.
All I’m really saying is this. Maybe we should look at what the man really said instead of the fact that he mentioned even black won’t do. He said there are hard working Mexicans that will take jobs that we won’t. Its true. Its not even a bad thing necessarily. Blacks may be considered the lowest rung of our societal totem pole but that’s not Fox’s doing, that’s not even just an outside view. That is the reality of our domestic situation and that is fucked up. Maybe had he said “jobs that even the poorest blacks won’t take” that would have us feel better. But it wouldn’t change the fact or reality of where we stand in the hierarchy of things here the good ole US of A. If anything should have us pissed off it should have been the fact that his words rang so true and that many of us aren’t doing anything to make the situation better. Getting a big house and nice car and a great career doesn’t really help the race as whole. Mentor a kid and do something to move the race a whole move forward then come hollatchaboy. You mark my words Mexicans may be the “niggers” of today but in a few more generations they’ll pass up by and we’ll be right back playing catch up. Don’t believe me go take a visit to Miami for a week. No disrespect TDRS but damn I’ve been fucking pissed off about this whole thing since I listened to NPR when he first said the shit. Peace….. The Angry Black Man.
Hotel Party Comments
In defense of the old school party, I will admit that it was hot, that they did sell wack drink tickets, and that old A$$ Frederick Douglas was serving drinks. But all that being said there was tons of opportunity in the room I mean any party where the floor is shaking like a 3.5 earth quake is coming through means that the ladies are dancing hard and that the guys are definitely getting something put on them. And (yeah I started a sentence with and) yes it was hot but I saw a number of women willing to take off unnecessary clothing and sweat through weaves in order to break it down to the old school jams. I even saw a brotha who shall remain nameless, get it put on him for at least 20 minutes by a young lady at the party, and while this happened I heard no complaints about the heat, the drink tickets or Frederick Douglas. Let it also be said that I saw the same brotha refuse to leave when the party was over and recite the full acapella version of Slick Rick's Lodi Dodi before exiting. Sounds like a wack party to me what do you think? All parties don't have to be nice and organized with the beautiful people standing around sometime you need to just get hot, sweaty and dance till you drop (that room reminded me of CPA and the Demp room circa 1999) you don't always want to go in there but some
nights it is just the right place to be. While I am talking and trying to get into the mail bag let me just comment on a disturbing trend that I am seeing in the league these days. Let's just say that you have a player with all the talent in the world and for most of his college career he under achieved and didn't play up to his ability, well lets just say that through some coaching and some pushing by less talented players he began to actually play up to his abilities at the end of his college career. Because of his poor college career the player was drafted low (by a non-contender, located in a city that was less than idea) and consequently had a poor rookie contract despite his tremendous talent. Realizing that he had to work and produce to get that big max contract three or four years down the road the player worked hard put up big number, filled every stat column, and became a dominant player in the league. He then cut a max free agent deal and moved to play in the best city (some call it the Mecca) in the league. What happened you may ask yourself, well the player got cocky, took plays off, didn't practice as hard, and basically refused to give his full effort. Next thing you know he was being mentioned in the same sentence with Vice Carter and other contract player who were performing well below their skill level because of a lack of effort. It just sad to see a player wasting his talent. Get your game up son and stop dropping passes. …..Coach aka J Jackson. This unknown player will comment on this email in the next edition…..TDRS
· MAN I FEEL YOU WITH REGARDS TO THE HOTEL PARTIES WITH TICKETS!! I refer to this as Operation: Old Mother Hubbard. Because after you stand in line to get a drink ticket (which is charged @ a premium), you then go to the bar and there's NOTHING THERE!!! I'm talking there MIGHT be one bottle of Stoli...there MIGHT be some brown liqour in a short and stout case that they try to pass of as "Crown" etc. etc...it's horrible man! So then you're reduced to sippin' on brew all night but then the economies of scale kick in and you realize you're paying premium rates for brew which normally (no disprect to your East Coast, Bay area, So.Cal, Miami or Chicago readers) runs $2-$3 (domestic) and $4-5 (import) a pop. IT'S AN OUTRAGE!!!! B. Holcomb
· Once again great work. FAMU is great place. My boy went there a needing only a small push to become the next Condie Rice. The most blandest, compliant blackman I have known. Now look at him bashing Mexicans, ranting about being a minority and consuming alcohol AND saying that his mate has to be at least part African American. Boy did you show those people who voted you "Most like to be married to a white chick!!! What the f@&% would Mrs. Asbury say if she saw u now. And, I am glad to see your "selfish" ass admit you have no desire to or skill at being a wingman. [BTW--I will do my own accounting tables! You don't have to dodge me sissy. It's a done deal.] And, yeah, I DID "set" you up with Brady. Dude, I invited her to YOUR CONDO WITH THE VIEW OF THE ATLANTA SKYLINE. DUUUUUUH!!!! I DON'T HAVE AN MBA BUT I'M NOT AN IDIOT EITHER!!! I EVEN TOLD HER YOU WERE LIKE A MILLIONAIRE OR SOME SH!t It's a pimp's version of spring cleaning, a fisherman's way of throwing back the smallest ass. I mean fish!!! If you by chance read this I'm only kidding unique. Kinetic Ken
All I can say is wow. I like your Tavis Smiley spin. I think TDRS is getting a little political on us. I appreciate the mix in commentary. And thanks for looking out for us women you care about. I will be sure to look out for the "2 minute drill", but you know I will never get caught with that one... especially if the definition means you ends up with a take home. (o: I like the softer/ caring side of TDRS... keep looking out.
TDRS, I just had to respond to your ranting about Blacks and Reality Television. American Idol – I did think along the same lines as the finals came closer and closer. Will another Black when this year? Sure it is great to have another accomplished Black to put in our “scrapbook”, but competition comes down to who is really the best. When I watch reality TV, sure I would like to see a Black win because he/she is “my people”. But I clear myself of a prejudice/biased frame of mind, and look at the individual(s) – what strengths are needed to be the true winner, and if he/she is in fact the strongest. And I can honestly say that Vonzell was not the strongest, though I think that Carrie should have been booted before Vonzell. The Amazing Race – Actually a Black couple just won this season as well – Uchenna and Joyce. ANTM – Actually that something else that Naima is - is Black. Both of her parents are “Half-Black”. And any unbiased viewer of ANTM would agree that Keenyah was not the strongest. She did not come with her “A” game. BTW, one episode ANTM went to Africa and visited the site of Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment. It was clear that Keenyah knew NOTHING about Nelson Mandela – SHE ASKED IF HE WAS STILL ALIVE!! Kevin Hill – Funny you mention this as your favorite show after highlighting the few “winning” appearances of Blacks in Reality TV. It was odd to have so many Black actresses in one episode. And why was that? Because WE cried out. Kevin Hill was intended to be a series about a successful Black man with many and nothing but White women in his life. We complained about the absence of Black women, and that is what they gave us – of course in a condescending manner……Nicole K Hey Ric, · The black couple won the Amazing Race this time but also won the time before last; Chip and Kim. They played an honest game and were fair and compassionate. I'm starting to cring though when the show goes to African and Asian locations because the saltines (white people) always say dumb stuff. From the saltine that couldn't understand why Africans kept "breeding" as if they were dogs to the flamboyantly gay couple who were scared to drive down certain streets because it looked like Compton. I hope the show stays on if only to show how dumb saltines really are. The Real World will never have more than 1 black person because of past experience: The Real World New York with Coral (that should say enough), Nicole, and the brotha. Then there was Real World Chicago with Anessa and Theo. And even the Real World Philidelphia with Karamo and Shavonda, butthat doesn't count because Shavonda was from Califorina and black people from California are strange (unless they're from Compton on the LBC. Even though most of these people are mixed, when the cameras came on, they oozed blackness left and right. Each one did an excellent job of scaring the h#ll out of all them people in the house. I don't think the show could handle that ever again. As far as Top Model, those were some dumb girls and I really didn't care who won. Brandy's attitude was stank. I didn't care about Tiffany because she comes from a lost cause: Why did her grandmother get her lights cut off to buy this 22-year-old, abled body woman a swimsuit? If that was supposed to evoke sympathy, I gave it the Bill Cosby snub: Poor black people: God is tired of you and so am I!!! Jacqulyn L.
THE TDRS Comeback
As I said earlier, thanks to those who wrote in and commented that Vonzell and Keenyah did not bring their A-Games, which appears to be pretty clear because they lost. However, it still doesn’t take away from the fact that WE (my fellow black Americans) were pulling for them, at least initially. Isn’t that great? I mean I hate being the minority but I LOVE being black b/c I know my people have my back, at least until I cause them to turn on me. This very fact is a perfect segue into my problem with the President of Mexico’s comments on MY PEOPLE and my reply to the Angry Black Man.
Let’s review Mr. Vicente’s comments in full just so we don’t misquote him or take things out of context. This excerpt is taken directly from CNN:
Fox made the controversial comment Friday to a group of Texas businessmen meeting in Mexico. He criticized recent steps the United States has taken that the Bush administration said were aimed at curbing illegal immigration. Fox discussed the role that many Mexican immigrants occupy in the U.S. economy. Speaking in Spanish, he said, "There is no doubt that Mexicans, filled with dignity, willingness and ability to work, are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States."
A few people like the Angry Black Man wrote in and they took the viewpoint that Mr. Fox wasn’t saying anything different than Mr. Bill Cosby (Trish I couldn’t find your email to post….sorry). In fact, it was in their view that for all intensive purposes, Mr Fox’s and Mr. Cosby’s comments are true. Before I get into the (dis) similarity of the comments, let me first pontificate (I like this word now) on the individuals who made the disparaging comments.
“You Mighta Seen On Them Streets, but ni$$a you don’t know me”!
First off, Mr. Fox can give a DAMN about blacks and his comments reflect that. Mr. Fox loves and adores his people. He glorified Mexicans, his OWN people, buy saying that they are filled “with dignity and have the ability to work”. And you know what, I don’t have a problem with that. As a matter of fact, Mr. Fox can criticize his people and I wouldn’t have a problem with that either. Why should I? I am not Mexican and I can’t even think to comment on what’s happening on them Mexican streets without coming off as being ignorant. At the end of the day, Mr Fox was showing National pride and I am proud of him for trying to clap up his folk…. Check what Fox’s Foreign Relations secretary had to say in response to the uproar in the U.S.:
The president didn't make a declaration in the racist sense; of course there are those who interpret it in that way," Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Derbez told a reporter in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
According to Derbez, Fox was making the point that "Mexican migrants are making great contributions in the United States and that their role is a positive role." "They've been able to improve the conditions of life not just for themselves but also for the communities in which they settle and, by the same token, the president made the comment in this context to say that a large quantity of the jobs taken by Mexicans are jobs that in the U.S. society aren't being filled." "I think that what we have to be very clear about is that the statement made by the president was in no way motivated by racism."
Like I said, Mr. Fox was complementing his people and I ain’t made at him for that. However, Mr. Fox could have done this very thing without putting MY PEOPLE on BLAST! He doesn’t know my black Americans or me. While it may not have been motivated by racism, his comments were still downright appalling and racist (if a white person said it, then they would be slaughtered in the media, so I aint cutting me Amigo no slack). Did you notice how U.S. society replaced blacks? Did you also notice that he said his comments in Spanish and in front of a group of Texas businessmen? I mean I wonder if any of “us” were in the room at that time? Am I reading too much into this? No, because as President of a large country you would think Mr. Fox would have been a tad bit smarter in his remarks. This was nothing but a classic “kiss up” to the good ole boys in Texas, just to get some business. Moreover, if all that you saw in his comments was the statement that Mexicans are performing jobs that blacks don’t want then you are more misguided than those who not only read between the lines, but also “on” the lines. His comments were prefaced by the “my people are hardworking and have full of dignity” ish and were followed by the words even (which implies the worse) blacks (not poor, not southern, but blacks) wouldn’t do. So let’s review shall we? In one quick sentence Mr. Fox was basically saying that his people take jobs that even blacks don’t want because Mexicans are hardworking and full of dignity, which also implies that we are lazy and have no dignity. That’s what you are agreeing with right, the “fact” that we are lazy and they aren’t. Do you or those who think his statement is true really believe that? I’m really saddened if that is the case. Let’s forget everything else Mr. Fox said for a second, my real question is did he know “Calvin” (don’t act like ya’ll don’t remember Calvin)? Calvin was at McDonalds long before there was even a Chipotle in the United States. What Mr. Fox doesn’t understand is that Calvin ain’t on the grill anymore. Calvin is the regional manager, so yes Mr Fox is correct when he says that Mexican’s are doing the job that Calvin (a brother) once did and doesn’t want to do any longer.
The big thing that’s missing from Mr Fox’s statements is that Calvin doesn’t “HAVE TO” work on the grill anymore. There is a difference! I got to be Chris Rock and say that Mexicans don’t get a cookie for working hard and doing jobs that “AMERICANS” don’t want to do. Last time I checked these people aren’t citizens. They don’t pay taxes, they don’t (can’t) vote, so what else can they do, but WORK and to work for cheap. Do you really think if they had a choice that they would be doing these menial jobs on the cheap? Hell no! Ask the Californian’s who had to suffer for two to three days when the Mexican’s went on strike b/c they wanted some sort of rights (driver’s licenses). Yeah, when they found out that they had leverage they used it and don’ t think the poor little Mexicans who won’t cut my girl eb’s grass wouldn’t do the same. It’s human nature, not a MEXICAN THING! Before you know it there is going to be a labor union for Mexican workers and this whole they work for peanuts thing will be all out the window. Wait a minute isn’t that how “Ceasar Chavez” became famous? Yep, Mr. Chavez was a farm laborer who founded a Union because he wanted more in life. ….Case closed. The Mexicans have been battling for years now and they are in the same position as us……still fighting to beat the man. Mr Fox is trying to kiss up to the man at the expense of spitting on blacks and that my friends is WACK!
I have one more thing to say and this is to Mr. Fox and all of those who agree with him. My people were forced to come to this country and work for free for hmmm about 200 years. The “free” labor that my people performed created an economic powerhouse, which improved the conditions of life for a “people” who didn’t give a damn about us. I’m proud of your people for coming to this country and working hard but don’t discount the people who made it possible! That’s all I’m saying. You said this point Angry Brotha but it needed to be said again b/c this fact is getting lost in the shuffle. Black people have been where Mexican’s are and we got three XXXL T-shirts w/Biggie on the front to prove it.
Despite any of my comments, I can understand why some of you may not be upset (I really can’t, but I aint going there today) but most of us should be REALLY be upset because he doesn’t have the “moral” (yeah I said it) right to comment on something he clearly doesn’t know anything about. All of this negativity about blacks not doing this and that, yet people forget how well or better we ARE doing. Yes, we have people that are poor, unemployed, in jail, living with aids, etc., but we aren’t the only ones nor or we the worse.
I am the most idealistic person on this earth, yet I know there are some things in life that can never be changed. I applaud our efforts and thoughts of always trying to uplift the entire race, but unfortunately that will never happen because we will never be on the same page. We clearly weren’t on the same page when those ships sailed onto the motherland a few hundred years ago, so why should we think we will today…especially when we got people who can’t decide what race (I’m sorry “who”) they are. Before anyone send an email all upset, call me when you find out you’re really black. Until then go on believing you are or “other” or one of “them” or just a such and such. Seriously though, we have been doing great things and some don’t even see it because we continuously think that every living, breathing, black person has to be doing well before we can be happy. I’m done with this sort of thinking! It’s all about the 80/20 rule for now on. Give me 20% of the people that are laying it down and “slamming Cadillac doors” and that will more than offset the 80% that’s not doing anything.
Neither of my parents went to college nor my parent’s parents, yet I finished and my sister will quite soon. My brother went to tech school, has a good job, and owns his own home. Is that not success? If you are on this list, it is highly likely that you finished school too and I know my distribution list is peanuts compared to all of the educated black folk that are out there. The point that gets forgotten is that it takes generations to uplift a number of people and while it’s been slow for us to some, it is happening. We are CEO’s, Secretary of States, Governors, doctors, lawyers, etc., so we are doing quite well. As I said, Calvin isn’t happy or forced to be on the grill anymore and neither are my people! Btw, I am proud that I’m driving a nice car and will have a nice house. I worked for it, so I earned it and I refuse to stand by and let “folks” try to tell me that I haven’t done anything. I have, you have, and anybody that is providing for themselves and their family have succeeded and you ARE moving the “race” forward…Keep “ballin” to you fall and “drankin” till you faint!
I’m sorry for harping on this issue but I took Mr. Fox’s comments personally. My father was and still is that man who does those odd hustle jobs that supposedly only the Mexican’s do now, which totally makes Mr. Fox’s statements incorrect. If he is going to make a general statement and try to act like it’s fact then all I got to do is present one example to make it purely an opinion, which doesn’t mean a damn thing coming from someone who again doesn’t know my people. Anyway because of my father’s hustles, I have made it to where I am today (and I shouldn’t get a cookie for it, my parents do though) and I am truly grateful for that. My father isn’t the only one, so if you have a parent that you can attribute some or all of your success too and they did anything on the side, then you should take it personally too. We are becoming great through generations so don’t believe the hype. Btw, If you’re a dime, smart and can cook some “cheese and rice” with homemade cornbread and fried chicken from scratch, then holla at me because I am ready to produce a new generation of Simons.
Hey, Hey, Hey
Anyway, I aint quite finished with Mr. Fox. Even if his comments are true (like many of you seem to believe) I still don’t think he has the moral (yeah I said it again) right to put my people on blast. I mean do you think he really cares about us black folk? Hell No! Mr. Cosby on the other hand does care and I don’t want to hear a damn person out there say otherwise. Whether you agree or disagree with Mr. Cosby, his comments were made because he cares and he is tired of the madness, which he thinks he sees out there on them streets. The man has put his money where his mouth is (even if most of it went to Spellman and Morehouse….yeah I’m hatin) and he is BLACK! Some of you are mad at Bill Cosby for putting our dirty laundry out there, but did he really put it out there? I mean he was speaking at the “Brown versus Board of Education” event which was attended by I’d say a predominately black crowd. Where else should he say it? He’s more than welcome to send comments to TDRS and I’ll gladly post them in the mailbag. Would that have been better? Just for those who didn’t read exactly what he said or just sort of heard bits and pieces his comments are detailed below:
“Ladies and gentlemen, the lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids – $500 sneakers for what? And won’t spend $200 for ‘Hooked on Phonics.’ “They’re standing on the corner and they can’t speak English,” Cosby added. “I can’t even talk the way these people talk: ‘Why you ain’t,’ ‘Where you is’ ... And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk. ... Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. ... You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.”
Cosby goes on to comment on blacks that are incarcerated: “These are not political criminals,” he said. “These are people going around stealing Coca-Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake and then we run out and we are outraged, [saying] ‘The cops shouldn’t have shot him.’ What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand?”
Just reading the comment above, you can get a sense that this man is really concerned and upset, which is quite a different tone than Mr. Fox’s. Again for all of you who think they are both correct, who do you think is actually concerned about the well being of black folk? …… I agree with Mr. Cosby to a large degree, except maybe with the whole part about pound cakes (For those who don’t know, I make a real mean pound cake…. Mickey Pound cakes in the house bitch). Anyway, Bill’s comments fall in-line with my thoughts on building the generation in that he blamed the parents for kids acting the way they do these days. Is he right to a point? As a kid who was raised with both parents in the home and by aunts and uncles who wouldn’t go for foolishness, then YES I think he is right. However, everyone’s situation is different for whatever reason, so Mr. Cosby should have recognized this fact. It took me awhile but I know just how lucky I was to be raised by my parents. All I have to say is that my son will be able to ask a nice young dime “What” and not “Who” her name is. …. Nelly should be shot. I’ll bet you an iced out band-aide that his kids don’t say that at home and I bet you they aren’t attending public school either.
Final Thoughts……
I’d like to thank the Angry Black Man for writing in and spitting some of that fire. At the end of the day I think we are both saying the same thing, so there is “no disrespect” my brotha. In fact, there is nothing but respect, because you are part of that 20%.
Speaking of that 20%, ya’ll should definitely check out some of the links on our blog site http://hollaatyaboys.blogspot.com, which feature the websites of folk who are what I am just going to refer to as a 20 percenter. You guys should definitely check out Bayete Ross Smith’s (fellow rattler) website which features some of his photography work. Click on the upwardly mobile link and you’ll see ya boy getting dressed for success. Also click on my man Kinetic Ken’s link to check out some beats that he has been putting together down in the hometown of Perry GA…….We gotta another Kanye West in the pipeline.
Oh yeah and I almost forgot. While LG Tate and myself have pretty much been doing the damage to cure your boredom at work for the last three months, my boy J Jackson has finally awoken to bring you some more fire. Check out my man J Jackson’s manifesto on the blog site right after reading this.
Until next week, HollaAtYaBoy!
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
1 hour ago
Hello Th DamnRicSimon, I bet when you started a TDRS-THE U DON'T KNOW ME EDITION blog, you didn't think you would get some random person like me, who getting bored trying to find t shirt logo designs has decided to communicate with the wider world! I dunno, maybe you did, anyway as you can tell I am going stir crazy, so I'd better not write anymore nonsense on what I think is a good looking blog! Anyway, nice to contribute, and I am off into the great unknown search for more t shirt logo designs. It's good to talk!
Hi Th DamnRicSimon,
I was looking for information about beautiful diamonds when I discovered TDRS-THE U DON'T KNOW ME EDITION, certainly one of the finest blogs I have found!
But before I continue my search for beautiful diamonds I want to say that your blog deserves a compliment!
Hi Th DamnRicSimon,
I was looking for information about asscher diamond engagement rings when I discovered TDRS-THE U DON'T KNOW ME EDITION, certainly one of the finest blogs I have found!
But before I continue my search for asscher diamond engagement rings I want to say that your blog deserves a compliment!
Hi Th DamnRicSimon,
I was looking for information about below wholesale diamonds when I discovered TDRS-THE U DON'T KNOW ME EDITION, certainly one of the finest blogs I have found!
But before I continue my search for below wholesale diamonds I want to say that your blog deserves a compliment!
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