Y'all know ya boy just had to give an Oscar debrief right? I’ll be brief b/c Monday mornings are pretty darn hectic and I actually do work, contrary to popular belief. Let’s see if I can get this done before 10am. Like MC Hammer, let’s get it started.
I can’t wait for the first Caucasian person to come into my office and ask if I ever heard of 3-6-Mafia. What’s funny is that they probably think that I Haven’t heard of them. I am sitting here trying to figure out if this is a good thing.
The dumbfounded looks of many of the Caucasians in the crowd after 3-6 was announced the winner was just priceless. I think I counted about 4 to 5 “oh my God’s”.
Jon Stewart correctly observing Martin Scorsese zero, 3-6-Mafia one, was straight up hilarious.
Btw, Jon Stewart was straight up hilarious…period! I think he played the dozens on way more folks than Chris Rock did last year. Stewart saying “Walk the line is Ray with white people was nothing but the truth and the whole truth”!
No matter what you hip-hop heads think, we WERE set back a few years with that performance. American’s know better, but I can’t say that’s the case overseas.
I found it interesting how the cameras were constantly on the handful of black folks in the crowd. I mean, did they really think Terrance Howard, J-Foxx, and J-Singleton weren’t going to show their love?
Did anyone catch one of the members saying “shout out to George Clooney b/c he showed me love when I first met him”? How cool is that? Do you think Clooney invited them to his after party or vice versa? Will “show me love” be the new Hollywood catch phrase?
I wonder if 3-6 was approached on the red carpet? And if so, what did Star Jones/Joan Rivers and all the others had to say about their outfits. Can you imagine, Joan Rivers saying “Here is Crunchy Black wearing a Memphis Grizzles hat by Starter, jeans by Crunchy Ltd, white-T by Hanes, and shoes by lugz?
HBO should really sign these guys up for an episode of the Sopranos.
I have a submission for this new Visa promotion. It goes like this. 25-inch Spinners $25,000, 25 carat platinum grillz-$35,000, the fact that we can now say the Oscar award winning 3-6 Mafia…PRICELESS!
Miscellaneous Observations
Jennifer Garner, you almost made my night.
Even if Terrance Howard had performed with 3-6 Mafia, Ben Stiller would have won taken home the totally embarrassing title.
For the Oscars to be seen by hundreds of millions of people, the commercials really stunk.
I know everyone has said this, but it bears repeating. The Oscars should really be a 1.5 hr show, 2hrs tops. Just do like BET and have an entire Award show for those awards that people care nothing about. Best black supporting actor in a black comedy series that’s lasted more than two seasons on a predominately black network goes to not an individual but the cast of Girlfriends.
I think there is something eerily familiar about this Kiera Knightly chick. Wasn’t she a shoplifter back in the day? Or was that Winona Ryder? My bad.
It just so happens a hip-hop icon announces the Oscar for best song. Hmmmm….
How cool would it have been had Menace to Society been in the running for an Oscar back in the day? Can you imagine UGK performing a pocket full of stones?
Was it just I or did it seem like the movie Chronicles of Narnia was in every category? Moreover, did all the guys in the crowd look like they had been trying out for Men In Black III?
How much do you want to bet that a “down-low” movie is coming to a theatre near us pretty soon? I can’t believe no one has jumped on this. Let’s put our money together guys and pay Don Cheatle and Terrance Howard to play the lead roles. You can’t tell me the movie wouldn’t sell and be an Oscar front-runner.
I mean, we all knew there was no way we were going to get best actor in back–to back-years, yet alone 3 out of the last 4. Let me stop, the fact that we are getting nominations more consistently is wonderful…right?
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
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2 hours ago
There have been some down-low movies. All of those Madea ones, cause y'all know that Tyler Perry is a DL Brotha!! But I did hear that a E Lynn Harris book is getting made into a movie. Just the fact that the name Crunchy Black was said on the Oscar's was epic enough for me. Unless there is a movie starring Don Cheadle, Denzel Washington, and Sidney Potier and it is titled "The life and Times of Crunchy Black", that will never happen Again!!!
That was DJ Paul that said that quote about George Clooney. Was there a contract that everyone signed, b/c he was the most shouted-out star there. And now, he's been endorsed by DJ Paul, Juicy J, and Crunchy Black. Nuff said.
-Rob Mack (Memphis Born and Raised!)
I'm shocked you didn't bring up the point that yes blacks are being nominated, but look at the content and roles for which they are being nominated. Must we be pimps, prositutes, whores, dirty cops and drug dealers in order to make it into the oscar nomination process? I'm not taking anything away from Hale, Denzel nor 3-6 Mafia because they have been honored for art that they chose to create; congratulations to them for being honored in such a way. I am moreso pointing the blame at the powers-that-be affiliated with the oscars for overlooking previous black artists that were portrayed in a more positive light as are most of their Caucasian counterparts. Something to chew on for a possible future TDRS, no?
I thought about this and thought about this. I agree with Mateo. We were set back a few. It's like the academy said "Let's through the Negroes a bone" and we bit... why aren't we more upset about the portrayal of our people, or the fact that a pimp song was nominated and won?
Although - I did like the movie. Am I a hypocrite?
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