No matter where on the political spectrum you may fall, or what candidate you have a particular affinity for; you have to admit that this man makes you believe that there is way out of the darkness that envelopes the USA now, and that the future can be so much brighter.
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
2 hours ago
Barack makes me feel like America really can change! I think it's funny that a lot of the comments against him are the same comments that we hear about all black folks--that we're unpatriotic, that if we achieve something it's because of affirmative action and not our merit (and I don't see how anyone can argue that Barack isn't qualified when he's the only presidential candidate to have voted against this war!)
Barack is my man and not because I'm black...actually, I'm not :), but to me color has nothing to do with it. He is an amazing man and role model for our country and I only hope the people of this country wake up in time to see that he is the ONLY man for the job! Our nation SO needs to learn to look beyond color!!! (
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